Take a look at your keys.

As you look at each key, think about what each of those keys locks or unlocks. Why do you have each of those keys? Why are they important to you?
Do you have plain key ring or a novelty key chain? What does your set of keys say about you as a person?
Would you give your pastor a set of those keys?
If he asked, would you give him a set? Would you trust him with your keys? He is your pastor after all; surely he’s trustworthy.
Instead, what if he wanted to make a few copies? Let’s say he wanted to give one to his wife, leave one at home, leave one in his car and leave one in the office; just in case he loses his personal set.
Would you be okay with that?
You know what? You might as well leave a set with the church secretary, in case any church members would like to have access to them. Don’t worry, you can trust them. They’re Christians after all.
Let’s make it easier. Give every church member a copy of your keys. Why not throw the attenders and visitors a few sets as well?
What about the other Christians in town?
You should probably give them all a set as well. You wouldn’t want to leave anyone out, would you? That being said, your keys should be open to the world; not just Christians. This offer should open to anyone.
You could spread the word.
Seriously, you could tell everyone to tell their friends and neighbours. You could organize some key-cutting events. You could even design a website and create a marketing campaign to a set of your keys in the hands of everyone!
This is a good plan. How does this sound to you?
It sounds crazy doesn’t it?
That’s because your keys represent everything you own and cherish. Your keys tell a story of who you are, what you value and what you don’t want to lose.
If the plan I just laid out were actually going to take place, it would take extreme trust for you to follow it through.
We’re talking about the keys to your kingdom.
To simply give your keys up to someone, allow them to copy them and in turn, give them to anyone and everyone seems absolutely ludicrous.
And yet, there is One Man who did just that.
His name is Jesus.
In Matthew 16, we read that Jesus Christ was willing to give away the keys to His kingdom. First to Peter, then the disciples, then the early church, and eventually to us.
He has placed the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven in our hands.
This week, through a series of posts, we’ll be exploring Matthew 16:13-23 and the man (Peter) who would be given “the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt. 16:19)
Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts
If you were to explain what each key on your key ring was for, what would it say about who you are and what you value?