Are you in love with your media devices?

This week, I discussed the fact that I only have dial-up internet access at our Bible camp. The post was titled, 3 Benefits of Having Dial-up Internet.
In a snap shot, it…
- …prevents technology addiction,
- …improves my relationships with God and my family,
- …and I get to enjoy other projects and hobbies.
Other than text-only email, the dial-up is useless.
There’s no cell service, so I can’t tether my iPhone to my computer for a mobile hotspot. So I generally don’t even open my laptop on weekends.
Basically, with dial-up internet and no cell service, I’m forced to take a fast from media and technology each weekend.
Fasting from technology is beneficial.
All over the world, people from all walks of life are finding the benefits of media fasting. Believe it or not, there’s actually a tourism market for this.
Just check out this post from the Oyster.com titled “Paradise Unplugged“.
You can pay big bucks to check yourself into a facility where there’s no access or where they’ll lock up your gadgets and devices. This pushes you to embrace and focus on some essential R&R&R (Rest, Relaxation and Recreation).
I’m blessed to get a weekly tech fast.
Right now, because of my camp work, I’m almost entirely cut off for the weekend. However, throughout July and August, the tech fast will increase to only getting service on the weekends.
Sure, I may have to take a few drives per week, up to the logging road. But it’s not entirely necessary. If there was ever an emergency, the landline is always available.
Blogging takes a hit.
The one area of struggle I have with limited technology is within the area of writing.
I enjoy putting a blog post out every couple of days. The number of posts definitely decreases throughout the camp season. Posting almost drys up entirely during July and August.
Yet, considering the other benefits; relationship with God and family, participation in other projects and hobbies. It’s a sacrifice worth accepting.
Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts
When’s the last time you took a fast from media or technology? How did it impact your time and relationships? Why would you suggest it to others?