In the End, There’s Only Jesus.

Earlier this week, I wrote a post titled, “No Support, No Problem!“
In that post, I referenced 2 Timothy 4, where Paul writes to Timothy about being deserted (Acts 25-26). And Paul ends this discussion on being deserted by focusing Timothy on the Kingdom.
“The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (2 Tim. 4:18)
As Paul writes these words to Timothy, he knows that his time is almost up. And as history has recorded, not long after this letter, Emperor Nero had Paul beheaded. So Paul moves past his earthly life and speaks of an eternal rescue.
Focus On the Lord’s Heavenly Kingdom
Because being deserted really doesn’t matter when the focus is on eternity.
Our lives being held in the balance for our faith isn’t really something we have to think about. But for some people, this is their reality today.
I’m sure most of us have heard about or seen the videos that ISIS has put out. Video footage of Christians in the Middle East, kneeling in front of ISIS soldiers, waiting to be executed.
Most of us have no idea what those people are going through in that moment. But as difficult as it is, try to grasp their thoughts and emotions. These people know their lives are over; they’re starring death in the face.
What’s Left In that Moment?
When all is lost and no one’s there to defend us, no one’s there to rescue us, and we’re starring death in the face…
This is the kind of desertion Paul is talking about!
In that moment, this life is over. In that moment death doesn’t matter anymore because we know we’re about to meet Jesus.
The people who deserted us don’t matter. The people who refused to defend us don’t matter. And if for a moment, we can try to picture breathing our last breath and entering into eternity; Jesus is the only person that’s going to matter!
The goal for us is to live like that every day of our lives.