Not about gangs, clubs or chapters; just Jesus!
A few years ago, I met a guy named “Kat” at a youth conference in Alaska. From his attire, I could clearly see that he was a biker. This puzzled me somewhat, since he was at a youth conference. “Was he a chaperone for a youth group? Was he the father of one of the teens?“
Then he turned around and I realised that I needed to connect with this guy.
He was a part of the “Holy Ghost Riders Motorcycle Ministry“. He began to explain their mission. “It’s not about gangs, clubs or chapters; just Jesus!“
In his own words, Kat explained what appears on the landing page of the HGR website:
“Evangelism On Wheels. We Take the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the highways and byways. Holy Ghost Riders Motorcycle Ministry is strictly a ministry not a motorcycle club. We have no officers or chapters. We are made up of pastors, elders, licensed ministers and men desiring to be trained to become preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are licensed to perform weddings, funerals or help with any other spiritual needs.“
I was hooked!

Since then, the HGR Motorcycle Ministry has been on my heart and mind. I really felt like this was something I should be a part of.
I would frequent the ministry’s website and Facebook page, I’d throw Kat out an email every once in a while; but I didn’t fully commit to taking the next step.
This Fall, that all changed.
After carefully reading over the introductory package and application process; I realised that this was a ministry opportunity that fit within my personal mission.
The fact that one must complete written doctrinal work, holding Biblical authority as it’s bench-mark; shows that these guys really are focused on Christ and Christ alone.
The Holy Ghost Riders’ patch reads “Jesus Is Lord” and that is crystal clear from day 1 of the application process.
Currently, I have just finished the first phase of the Biblical study that is required. All of the content is Scriptural truths which I holding fast to before I ever even met Kat. However, putting them down on paper has been a refreshing process. (Maybe I’ll feature some of the work at LeadBiblically.com in the coming weeks.)
Yesterday, my patches arrived and I am pleased to announce that I am a Holy Ghost Rider. But in reality, that doesn’t matter. The purpose of being a HGR is solely based on my identity as a Follower of Jesus Christ.
As Kat said, “It’s not about gangs, clubs or chapters; just Jesus!“
It’s currently -23 in Calgary, so I won’t be on my motorcycle for the next little while. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to my first ride and my first opportunity to share the Gospel within the motorcycle community here in Alberta.
If you’d like more information about the Holy Ghost Riders Motorcycle Ministry, visit www.HolyGhostRiders.com or click HERE to visit their Facebook Page.
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Do you or someone you know ride a motorcycle? Are they a Christian and looking for a ministry to be a part of? If so, share this post with them!