Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

Why Every Preacher Has A Different Take On Revelation

More Revelation, or More Confusion?

I’m just being honest. The more I read the book of Revelation, the more confused I become.

I understand that this is a book about things to come, and I do not doubt that these things will come to pass.  However I, like many before me, find myself trying to fit current happenings into the pages of this book.

This can be a huge misstep.

Again, please don’t get me wrong. I realize that I must be ready at all times to give a defence for the Gospel, and be prepared for Christ’s return. I understand that no one will know the day nor the hour that He will return. Lastly, I see great value in reading and studying prophetic scriptures!

However, I don’t want to add to Scripture by dreaming up what the words may or may not be saying. I have heard way too many pastors teach from revelation, each one states to have the truth, yet there are so many slight variations. And this is just in evangelical circles. Broaden the field to mainline denominations and things get really blurry!

I understand that they are all more studied than I, but still…why so much confusion? How can so many different pastors get the same texts so wrong? How do they get so many pieces of the account misinterpreted in comparison to their colleagues? Which opinion is correct?  Who has the right interpretation?

Then you add in the pandemic!

Popularity for Biblical prophecy, especially Revelation went through the roof during the COVID era. All of a sudden we were “for sure” living in the end times, or even in the middle of the tribulation. Pastors and preachers started claiming all sorts of stuff, including who the anti-Christ would be.

I heard a bunch of names from the Pope to Bill Gates on who was supposedly the anti-Christ. And these preachers were certain! How could they know? What’s the end game if it’s not true? As a Christian and a pastor, it left me shaking my head.

We can’t be jumping to conclusions like that! We can lose so much credibility in the stuff that really matters!

Keep reading, and keep seeking Jesus!

Revelation 3:20 is the most notable verse in the book, and one of the most powerful verses in Scripture.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and they with me. (Rev. 3:20 – NIV)

I am certain that one would need to be an expert at ALL Scripture in order to even bridge the surface of Revelation. With that considered, keep reading and studying!

Even then, one would still need to wait and see some of its words come to life before anything really made sense. With that considered, keep seeking Jesus! (Watching and waiting for Him to show up instead of the Pope of Bill Gates!)

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  • What is your view of Revelation and End Times theology as a whole?
  • What’s your favourite prophetic scripture? Why do you like that verse or passage?

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