Discipleship, Family

When Loss Hits Close to Home For the First Time

Original Post – 2011

I’ve been processing through the morning my father-in-law lost his battle with lung cancer.  That morning will forever be solidified in my mind. It was my first real, close-to-home experience with grief, and I was not prepared for how debilitating it would be. The first couple days were very difficult.

Feb. 11 - Luke, Nana & Grandpa 1
Delbert Dale Aldridge (1947-2011)

Thankfully, he knew Jesus, and is now with Him. And yet, I found myself full of regret. I wished I had of spent less time working, and more time with him. There were so many projects that we said we’d complete, but never did. I was stricken with sadness over the lack of priority I placed on my time with him.

After about three days, the shock had settled a bit.  We were trying to focus on getting the memorial service organized. It had a num feeling, mixed with a bit of helplessness, wanting to take the pain away for my wife, and her family.  Yet, understanding that we all had to walk through it in our own way, based on our relationship with him.

This is a part of life that no one wants, but eventually, we all face. In that moment, we need to lean into Jesus for strength, and peace.

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