Bible, Discipleship

What Is the True Meaning of Christmas?

Christmas is just around the corner.

Today I want to share a quote from a friend that has stuck with me over the years. The quote is a riddle of sorts, calling the reader to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas:

“Happy Christmas everyone! And in light of this very merry season I feel it appropriate to ask; as your gathered ’round fires and presents galore, and as you sit with your family who may be a bore; tune out the bright, cheery music and riddle me this; what is the true meaning of your Christmas?” (M. Huber – 12/25/10)

As you can see, this poetic question invites us to pause and reflect. As we enjoy the lights, music, and festivities, what does Christmas mean to you?

Preparing for the True Meaning of Christmas

As we approach this special season, I don’t have lengthy reflections to offer today. Instead, let’s prepare our hearts by revisiting the true meaning of Christmas found in Scripture.

Defining the True Meaning of Christmas

In Luke’s Gospel, we find an amazing account of Jesus’ birth:

“And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'” (Luke 2:10-11, ESV)

This Moment Isn’t Just a Story

It’s a historical account that lays the foundation of our faith and hope. This account is about God stepping into history to bring salvation to the world. The shepherds were the first to hear the news of Jesus’ birth. They responded by glorifying and praising God, sharing the message with everyone they met.

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!'” (Luke 2:13-14, ESV)

What Will Christmas Mean to You?

As you gather with loved ones, exchange gifts, gather around the dinner table, and enjoy the season, I encourage you to pause and reflect. Christmas is God’s love and hope found in the manger when salvation came down to us through the person and power of Jesus Christ.

Dive Deeper Into Scripture

  • Luke 2:1-21 – The birth of Jesus and the shepherds’ response.
  • Isaiah 9:6 – The Prophecy of the Messiah’s Birth

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • What stands out to you most in the Christmas story?
  • How do you make room to reflect on Jesus amid the busyness of the season?
  • What’s one way you can share the true meaning of Christmas with others?

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