Is Sacrifice possible for us?

We began this week highlighting the concept of First World Problems. But what does sacrifice look like in the first world?
What does sacrifice look like for me, living in Canada in the year 2015?
The reality is that we live in an amazing place. Because of that, we have a number of options.
Therefore, perhaps we have options for sacrifice as well?
My Pastoral Role
My role as a pastor is to explain to you the importance of following Jesus. However, it is not my role to tell you what you need to sacrifice in order to follow Him. That’s between you and Jesus.
Each one of us needs to listen to His calling and figure it out. At this time, in this place, we have optional sacrifice.
So what is Jesus calling you to sacrifice?
Maybe Jesus is in fact, calling you to sacrifice some money or comfort? If so, then follow that calling to where it leads. Maybe He’s calling you to sacrifice some recreation or leisure time? If so, follow that and find out why He wants your spare time.
Maybe Jesus is calling you to sacrifice some embarrassment, and finally share your faith with your neighbours or co-workers? If so, don’t worry; the Holy Spirit will give you the words to say.
Maybe next steps in your walk with Him?
Maybe Jesus is calling you to serve in a particular area of ministry? If so, embrace it and be glad that He’s called you to a specific area of service.
Maybe Jesus is calling you to get baptized? Maybe He’s calling you to become a member of a particular church? If so, celebrate and let us celebrate with you as you take these next steps.
Maybe a move into ministry?
Maybe Jesus is calling you away from your career, to embrace a full-time ministry role? Maybe he’s calling you into short-term or long-term missions, nationally or internationally?
If so, trust that he’ll provide the resources and people needed to make this calling a reality.
We must listen to His call.
Choosing to sacrifice our earthly wants or perhaps our needs might be difficult, but it will always be worth it in the end. We must trust that whatever Jesus calls us to abandon or sacrifice will be rewarded.
The more we sacrifice for Him, the closer we draw to Him.
Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts
Has Jesus ever called you to sacrifice something? In the end, what happened?
While sacrifice often involves us giving up something for a season … or perhaps longer … I think it is very limiting to view sacrifice only in this way ….. I may not state it well but sacrifice, is in its most basic, simply a complete surrendering to the will of God in your life …. in that regard God may ask you to sacrifice by taking on something , instead of giving up something …. as money/wealth or goods are sometimes listed as the things to be the most sacrificed …. how would we view it if God asked us to sacrifice ourselves to carry and show great Christian stewardship of great wealth ….. there are many sacrifices in carrying great wealth ….. ?
Thanks for your thoughts Dave. I like your comment on the “complete surrendering to the will of God” and that this surrender may include us accepting a task or perhaps, accepting a gift (as some have more struggle in receiving than giving). Good word Dave! Thanks again.
Sacrifice is indeed a difficult subject for us as we have indeed become very accustom to our “standard” of living. We do wrestle with a sense of entitlement regarding what we feel we should own and be able to do. To me alot of what I see ìn churches is not what I read in Acts about the early believers. They actively did things to provide for the needs of others and for the work of the kingdom. I’m not going to say that having weath is wrong but i have to wonder about our attitude toward stewardship when I see believers taking annual vacations South or adding to their toys or adding recreational property. It can be an easily crossed line between stewardship and embezzlement. I’m not saying we don’t need times of rest or refreshment however I don’t see us extending this to others either. Now I do know people who have some of these things and they are constantly making them available to those who don’t In the name of Christ and the Kingdom. However this is not the norm and so we do need to wrestle with this area of sacrifice/stewardship . I also agree that it is more than about money. Time and relationships are also an area we have become very exclusive about.
Thanks for the comment David. One of the reasons I love Camp Ministry, is because I am able to see the modern church looking a lot like the church in Acts; people sharing resources, skills and gifting for the common goal to serve Christ and each other.
Nevertheless, I obviously agree that it is difficult to live sacrificially as a Christian within Western society…I have not found the balance…
Thanks again for taking the time to read my post!