Spoiler Alert: Even really nice people are sinful.

Over the past month, our social networks have been inundated with news pertaining to the ex-host of CBC radio’s “Q”, Jian Ghomeshi. Prior to current events, Jian was categorically said to be “a really nice guy” by friends, coworkers and the hundreds of people he interviewed during his time with CBC.
We are in shock and awe, at how such a really nice guy, can have such a dark private life. (Caveat: None of which, I even remotely desire to discuss in this post.)
For Christians, this shouldn’t shock us.
Since Genesis 4, when Cain killed his brother Abel; humanity has a horrific record of living out thousands upon thousands of unimaginable and nauseating sinful behaviours. In us, from the time of Adam, we carry everything we need to think these terrible thoughts and therefore, commit these terrible acts.
We know that Romans 3:23 states clearly that, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.“
Furthermore, Galatians 5 explains it all.
Individually, we are in a daily battle against the evil that lives within us. As Believers, we strive to live by the Spirit, and flee from the flesh that consistently beckons the wicked nature, inherited from Adam so long ago.
Paul writes, “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Gal. 5:19-21)
Paul wrote these words to Christians.
If he wrote this letter to the church, we can deduce that these were problems were (and still are) in the church.
That’s right, even Christians have everything inside of them to commit the same sins that Mr. Ghomeshi is now trying to justify.
Without Christ, we are at sin’s mercy.
We who call ourselves Christians, have been sealed with the Holy Spirit, which is our inheritance and promise of salvation. Nevertheless, each and every day we have a choice.
It doesn’t take much. One thought, that we neglect to correct can become an indulgence. Our minds can follow a single thought too far. Then begins the slippery slope to behaviour. Then that behaviour has the potential to become habitual.
What I’m not saying.
This is not a desperate plea to let Jian off the hook. The accounts seem to indicate that he has in fact, committed some very troubling crimes. In Canada, he must face the consequences of actions and hopefully seek counselling for his troubling habitual behaviours.
However, forgiveness is paramount to our faith. I pray that someone has an opportunity to tell Jian the account of our Saviour. Moreover, I pray his victims come to hear the Gospel as well.
Let’s use the world’s shock.
The next time a really nice person is found guilty of a heinous act, let’s evaluate our reactions. Let’s remember the Biblical truth that we are all wicked and unrighteous. Only through Christ’s power are we made righteous and blameless.
May we use those shock and awe conversations; not to defend the offender, but to bring some Gospel clarity into the situation.
In the wrong circumstance, in the wrong environment, with the wrong background; our sin can push us toward many horrific thoughts. If we are not clinging to the Spirit of our Saviour, horrific thoughts have all the potential to lead to horrific actions.
Join the Conversation, Share Your Thoughts:
How can we as Christians, bring clarity to situations where really nice people commit terrible things?