Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

How to Transform a Nation

Evangelism Over Arguments (Governing Authorities – Part 5)

We’ve been discussing government all week, and today we conclude our series. Although not necessary for this post, if you’re interested in reading the previous topics, here’s a quick list:

Called to Brotherly Love

Due to how our Bibles are separated into chapters and verses, we can forget that the Epistles were written as a single document. With that in mind, it’s fascinating to examine the passage Paul wrote prior to his teaching on submission to governing authorities.

In Romans 12, Paul emphasizes the theme of love. Read through a few verses for context.

  • “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” (Rom. 12:10)
  • “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.” (Rom. 12:14)
  • “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly.” (Rom. 12:16)
  • “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.” (Rom. 12:17)

Probably the most powerful statement is the one he makes immediately before chapter 13. The final verse in chapter 12, is:

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Romans 12:21, ESV

Were Roman Christians Divided?

Perhaps, the Christians in Rome were as politically divided and dissatisfied with their leadership as our current Western nations. That being said, we have a significant advantage over these Roman Christians: we can cast a vote for our leadership.

Regardless of your stance on my comments over the past week, we must face a couple of important facts.

  • It would have been much easier for us if God had led Paul to write this passage when the rulers were just and corruption-free.
  • It would have been much simpler if Paul had written when the Christian Faith was the only religion and all citizens followed God’s Word.

But he didn’t.

  • God led Paul to write these words under an illegitimate ruler who came to power through murder.
  • God led Paul to write these words when Christians had far more reason to question government authorities than we do today.

God’s Knows Our Hearts

Why would God do that? Why did he lead Paul to write it in that order and in that way? Because God knows the pride of the human heart.

God knows that unless we’re challenged, we become stagnant and apathetic, self-absorbed and self-righteous. Whether conservative or liberal, republican or democrat, socialist or libertarian, capitalist or environmentalist, we will ALWAYS fail if our hearts are filled with hatred.

Caveat: I know how hard that is to read. Writing it isn’t any easier than reading it. I don’t want it to be true, but Biblical evidence and 2000 years of history lead to that reality.

We Have Another Option

We have a choice. We can choose to follow Romans 13 and submit to the governing authorities that God has put in place. If we’re dissatisfied with this current moment, we position ourselves accordingly:

  • We submit in thankfulness for this test of faith.
  • We pray and ask for a change of governing authorities.
  • We use the gift of democracy that we’ve been given. (Making sure we’re the first ones in the voter’s box to practice the right that Roman Christians never had!)

Gospel Over Politics

If we truly wish to move our nation toward God, we should spend less time arguing over constitutions and legislature and more time evangelizing to our neighbours. Perhaps, if we live out Romans 12, Romans 13 will get a little easier.

Let’s help our countrymen find God, and then they will, in turn, find truth. Use the fire in our guts over current issues and events for spiritual zeal.

  • May they thrust us into God’s Word for encouragement.
  • May they turn our political discussions into petitioned prayer.
  • May they deepen our relationship with Him through our struggles.
  • May they inspire us to act with compassion and love toward others.

Instead of debating with colleagues and coworkers, debate with God. Pour out your deep concerns for where the nation is headed, and cry out for change. Because according to Paul’s letter to the Roman Church, God is the only One who can truly change the future of a nation.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  1. How can we change a nation?
  2. What are practical ways to demonstrate love to those with different political views?
  3. How does prayer influence our perspective on government?

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