Romans Road Step #6: The End

Well this is it. After 2 weeks of studying The Romans Road, we come to our final step, adequately titled, “The End“. For quick reference, the previous steps appear below in a list of posts from this series.
- Romans 1:20 – “The Beginning”
- Romans 3:23 – “The Need”
- Romans 5:8 – “The Solution”
- Romans 6:23 – “The Options”
- Romans 10:9 – “The Appeal“
- Romans 11:36 – “The End” (Today)
What if after The Appeal, our friend or neighbour is still resistant or perhaps, they require a bit more information? Maybe they want to sleep on it and talk about it more at a later time.
Let’s leave them with one final verse. One last step in The Romans Road and one more chance for the Holy Spirit to do His work on their hearts.
“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” (Rom. 11:36)
From, Through & To
“…from him and through him and to him are all things.” As we share the Gospel; in case our friend or neighbour missed the message through the first 5 steps, here it is:
It’s all about Jesus!
All of creation, all of history, all of our existence, it all comes down to Him. From Him, through Him and to Him; it’s all about Him.
Furthermore, verse 36 states, “To him be the glory forever.” “The End” of The Romans Road is the reality that there is no end. There is forever. Defined as,
“without ever ending, eternally, continually, incessantly, always, an endless or seemingly endless period of time.” (
At the end of this life we’re living, forever exists. And what will our forever look like? As we’re sharing the Gospel with our friend or neighbour we can ask them,
“What will your forever look like? Jesus will be there, reigning in glory, forever. Will you be there with Him, forever?”
Can I get your feedback?
Read Romans 11:36. What does “forever” looks like? Who will be there? What will we do? What will we experience there?
Please comment below or share your answer on Facebook or Twitter.