It’s harvest time again.

This is the time of year when I leave you for a while. My blogging has slowed to a halt, but not because I’m on summer vacation. No, it’s because my ministry is about to kick into overdrive.
Such is the life of camp ministry.
You see, camp ministry has seasons, much like a farm; where each season’s work-load looks very different from the others.
There are the direct connections where both farms and camps have to acquire equipment, resources and workers. Then there’s the metaphoric connection of planting; getting the word out and promoting the camp.
Then comes the harvest.
During harvest, a farmer works sun-up to sun-down, reaping the rewards of his planning and preparation. His focus on the end of the harvest, where he’ll offer thanksgiving to the Lord for the bountiful provisions.
Summer is harvest-time for camp ministry. I am so ready to hunker down and reap the rewards of our camp committee’s planning and preparation. And I am so ready to see the Lord’s provisions and offer up thanksgiving.
My Seasons of Harvest
As many of you know, for the past three years, I directed Whispering Pines Bible Camp in Waiparous, Alberta. I already miss that place, my staff and those amazing campers. God did some incredible things during my time there.
However, I’m eager to see what God will write in this next chapter of my camp ministry story. This summer, I will be directing Marsh Lake Bible Camp in the Yukon Territory. (If you get a chance, check us out on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.)
3 Harvest Provisions
I definitely have that nervous-excitement that comes with every new adventure. As camp director, I am praying that God will bless me with 3 provisions during this camp ministry harvest.
1. Campers Saved: I am praying that campers who do not know Jesus Christ, will meet him this summer.
2. Staff Challenged: I am praying that staff will view their service for Christ as a vital component to their walk with Him.
3. Jeremy Humbled: I am praying that Christ will increase my awareness and willingness to wholly depend on His guidance, wisdom, mercy and rebuke if needed.
Until August…
And so I am signing off until August, when I’ll be starting a preaching series titled, “Leaders Are Everywhere: God Can Use Anyone, at Anytime to Do Anything“.
I’ll definitely be highlighting some of the series material and small group studies here, at
May the Lord bless you and your families this summer!
What is your experience with camp ministry? To you, how was the hard work of harvest worth the effort?
Please comment below or share your answer on Facebook or Twitter.