Family, Music

The Perfect Song for Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas!

It’s the crack of dawn, and soon my boys will be up, ready to dive into whatever Santa Claus left under the tree. Before the chaos begins, I want to share a simple but special gift with you; a beautiful song to set the tone for your Christmas morning.

A Warm Tune for Christmas Morning

This morning, there’s not much I need to say. Instead, I invite you to take a moment for yourself. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, sink into your favorite chair, and enjoy the stillness of Christmas morning. For your listening pleasure, here’s “Christmas Time Is Here“, covered by Deni Gauthier.

Deni Gauthier is an independent Canadian artist who has been a friend of my family for years. My wife and I enjoy his music and have featured it before on

Support Independent Artists

If you enjoyed Deni’s smooth style and warm tone, I’d encourage you to explore more of his work. Supporting independent artists is a meaningful way to share the joy of music with others. Click HERE to check out his music and maybe add a few of his albums to your collection!

The Christmas morning can be centred on finding a moment of peace and joy before the Christmas chaos begins. Let this song help you ease into the day with gratitude and warmth.

Dive Into Some Scripture

As you continue your quiet Christmas morning, why not reflect on a couple of Bible passages centred on the joy of song and praise:

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  1. How do you like Deni’s version of Christmas Time Is Here?
  2. What makes this song a perfect fit for Christmas morning?
  3. Will you explore more of Deni’s music this season?

2 thoughts on “The Perfect Song for Christmas Morning

  1. Anonymous says:

    There are so many great Christmas songs …. The older you get the more special times there are in your personal history that are linked to those special moments ….. This is a great one ….. I love the quiet almost melancholy style …. Don’t keep the true light to yourself give it away to others alone in a dark world ….. Jesus is the true Light of the World

    1. I FULLY agree! Deni did an excellent job metaphorically sharing the light. Thank you for your comment and your support for Lead Biblically!

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