Communication With Our Church: Part 2

1 John 1:7 begins with “But if we walk in the light…” The light is Our Resource.
In order to effectively communicate with our church we must first, make sure that we are walking with our key resource, “the light”, which can only come through our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
To draw a direct connection to last week’s post-series as a platform to start from, everything we studied about “Communicating With Our Saviour” directly applies to “Communicating With Our Church”.
The Importance of “If” and “We“
“But if we walk in the light…” The “if” and “we” are very important pieces to understanding this verse. Let me use myself as an example.
The Elders of our church and I meet every Tuesday, to pray and petition God on behalf of our church. We’re going to communicate with our Saviour, about and for our church. If I want my prayers to be effective, I had better be walking in the light.
Look at verse 6 for a moment. There is a very important “if” and “we” in this verse as well.
“If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.” (1 Jn. 1:6)
Each and every week, before Tuesday afternoon, I had better make sure I’m in fellowship with Him. I had better make sure that I’m walking in the light. I need to prepare my heart and pray.
“Lord, what sin do I need to deal before walking into that meeting? What areas of darkness are going to cloud my mind and prevent me from effectively praying for our church?”
I owe it to the Elders and I owe it our church, to prepare myself.
How Are We Resourced?
The pastor and Elders can only do so much. We’re all in this together.
As Believers, whenever we enter into a Board meeting, a Ministry meeting, a Council meeting, a Small Group or even Sunday Morning Worship, we should prepare our hearts and make sure we’re in fellowship with Him, dealing with sin and walking in the light.
Church Isn’t Government
It’s not like the corporate world either. It’s not even like some other non-profit organization. The church is completely different.
We can spend thousands upon thousands of dollars and posses every resource available, but if we as individuals do not make a conscious effort to daily walk in the light, we’re all in trouble.
A Word On Bible
I’ll say it again, in case you missed last week’s posts: Everything that was studied last week about “Communicating With Our Saviour” directly applies to the core of this week’s post-series. And our focus last week was on the Bible.
If we’re struggling with a sin issue, if we’re struggling walking in the light, the Bible’s our beginning. Start in the Word.
If we want the church to be in the light, if we want the church to be a beacon of light to this dark world, then we have got to be individuals that craves the Bible. We’ve got to be a people who individually can’t get enough of the Bible.
Can I Get Your feedback?
Jesus Christ is the source of our light and our resource to effective communication. What are your thoughts on how our personal walk with Christ can impact our conversations within the church?
Please comment below or share your answer on Facebook or Twitter.