How should we use the Law?

This week we’ve relived the Pharisees’ challenge to Jesus found in Matthew 23; the Expert of the Law vs. Jesus. Today, we end this post series with our last Act.
In verse 40, Jesus ties a bow on His answer with this statement. “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Go ahead Pharisees!
Try to find even one Law or prophetic word that contradicts or even remotely suggests that these two laws aren’t the greatest.
You’ll notice that the Pharisees are speechless. They obviously thought Jesus’ answer was pretty bang-on, or they would have countered with an argument of some sort.
Jesus is a genius.
In case we didn’t know it already we see it here, that our Lord and Saviour is a genius.
True genius doesn’t use overcomplicated theories and ideas. True genius brings the most complex thoughts and rules into its simplest, most practical and tangible forms.
In case you missed it, Jesus just fit the entire Old Testament into two practical and tangible principles.
Two Commandments
If we love God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our strength; there’s only one thing left to do; and that’s love our neighbour as ourselves.
If we keep these two commandments in focus day in and day out, they’ll keep us out of trouble and keep us connected with God.
“No one could say a word…” (22:46)
I want to urge you, this weekend, study the next few verses in your personal devotions. Why?
Well, what we unpacked this week was just Jesus’ defense against the Pharisees. But Jesus doesn’t stop there. In verses, 41 through 45 Jesus goes on the offence, and leaves all the religious leaders speechless.
As we read at the end of chapter 22, “No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.” (22:46)
Can you believe that?
“No one dared to ask him any more questions.” He owned them all!
Can you imagine Peter? You know he couldn’t have kept His mouth quiet at that point. As they walked out of the Temple, How do you like them apples?
Take some time to reflect.
Our Lord and Saviour; He’s definitely our friend and He’s definitely our comforter. But Jesus Christ is more than just some guy in a blue sash holding a lamb. Our Lord and Saviour is God.
And therefore, Our Lord and Saviour is the most intelligent man who ever walked this earth.
Give Him your struggles.
This morning, I’d encourage you to give Jesus all the complex problems and struggles that you’ve been dealing with lately. For every situation that you have mulled over and weighing the pros and cons; our Lord has already figured it out.
This morning, may we come before the most intelligent being in existence and seek His wisdom and guidance. May we give glory to the man who impressed the wise and silenced the proud.
Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts
Our Saviour was so intelligent that He silenced the Pharisees Expert of the Law. What problem will you lay at his feet this morning?