Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Adventure, Discipleship, Ministry

The Benefit of Embracing Stories Instead of Checklists

“EPIC” by John Elderidge:

During my youth pastor days, we worked through John Eldredge‘s  EPIC series within our High School Discipleship program. John explains Christianity as a great story that we are living. He proposes that history’s great stories became great because they have the key elements of our story. He chooses to explain this concept within acts, looking at our faith as a type of screenplay.

“Act 4: The Kingdom Restored”

In this act, John reminds us that as Believers, this difficult story that we live with; all its battles and challenges does have an amazing ending. In the end, the Kingdom will be restored and God has an amazing and wonderful reward waiting for us. We will live happily ever after!

From there, we discussed our dependency on Christ. I asked them to think deeply about our stories as Followers of the King.

  • Are we taking every opportunity?
  • Are we just church attendees?
  • Are we just going through the motions of church life?

Are we serious about our identity in Christ?

Do we really want this Savior that we sing and talk about to rule our lives? Do we feel the same zeal for the King that Elderidge speaks with?

I wanted the students to understand the difference between authentic discipleship and check-list Christianity. I wanted them to understand that keeping a tally of good deeds, church attendance and daily Bible reading isn’t a great story.

Please don’t mistake what I’m trying to say.

These are great things that we should be doing as part of the Christian faith. I’m just saying we need to go deeper than that. Living and acting in accordance with the Holy Spirit’s constant leading is far more challenging, and exciting for that matter! Sometimes it takes a mix of excitement and tragedy to rock our core enough, to ask the tough question:

Am I fully embracing the story that has been written for me?

I have attached “Act 4: The Kingdom Restored” below this post if you’re interested. And I’d love to get your feedback on the post and/or the video clip.

Have you ever got caught up into a check-list Christianity?


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