Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

Miraculous Healing and How God’s Power Works Today

We live in a world filled with pain.

Have you ever wished you could perform miraculous healing? Don’t you wish you could alleviate the suffering of anyone in need?

Imagine this: you’re walking downtown and notice someone on the street who is clearly crippled. If you take a moment to hear their story, you might learn that their affliction has cost them nearly everything. How incredible would it be to speak healing into their body right then and there?

Faith in God’s Miraculous Healing Power

Before we go any further, I want to be clear—this isn’t about doubting God’s ability to heal. On the contrary, I firmly believe in His power to heal. I believe we can intercede through prayer, and God, in His infinite wisdom, can choose to heal.

James 5:14-15 reminds us, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him… And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up” (ESV).

But what I’m talking about here is the healing we see in the New Testament—healing that happens instantaneously, right in front of our eyes. Just once, I’d love to witness that. Whether it happens to me, someone I’m with, or even someone I just encounter.

It would be such a powerful moment to validate and bear witness to God’s undeniable intervention.

Miraculous Healing in the Bible

One such miraculous healing took place at the pool of Bethesda in John 5. A man, crippled for thirty-eight years, encountered Jesus.

Without ceremony or delay, Jesus told him, “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.” And just like that, the man was healed! (John 5:8-9, ESV).

That kind of divine power is humbling, and it makes me wonder—why don’t we see more of it today? Or, are we simply not recognizing it when it happens?

Can Miraculous Healing Happen Today?

Some might ask, “Can a Baptist—or any believer—perform miraculous healing today?” I believe the answer is nuanced. While we know God can still heal and does heal in response to prayer, the kind of instant healing seen in Jesus’ ministry seems less common today.

Maybe it’s because miraculous healing serves a unique purpose in the New Testament—authenticating Christ’s divine authority and the apostles’ early ministry. Or perhaps our faith needs to be stretched and strengthened to see these miracles unfold in our time.

Recognizing God’s Healing Power Today

It’s not just about waiting for the spectacular; it’s about recognizing God’s healing power at work in different ways today. Through prayers of faith, God still moves, and perhaps the miracles we are looking for are happening in ways we haven’t yet noticed.

I’m left wondering, waiting, and watching.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • Why do you think we don’t see miracles today like in biblical times?
  • Have you ever witnessed legitimate miraculous healing?
  • If so, what happened, and how did it impact your faith?

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