Tag: witness

Church, Discipleship, Ministry, Outreach

The Connection Between Effective Outreach Ministry and Meeting Needs

Understanding effective outreach ministry through meeting physical, safety, and belonging needs in today’s shifting culture.

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Books, Discipleship, Outreach

How To Fully Grasp David Platt’s “Radical” Challenge

Platt is pushing me to think completely differently about my faith. I’ve been reading “Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream”. In a previous post, I told you a bit about this book by David Platt and how it has really challenged my Western church mindset.

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Books, Outreach

How To See Wealth as Opportunity Instead of Entitlement

I’ve been working through a challenging book by pastor and author, David Platt. The book is titled, “Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream.” I’m not sure that I really know how to best describe it, other than explaining what has been stirring inside of me.

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Leadership, Outreach

Are You Bold Enough To Pray Around Your Flag Pole?

It was 7:00 AM local time. A “global day of student prayer” was being held. I had the privilege of gathering with a group of students around their school flag pole.

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Adventure, Discipleship, Gospels, Leadership, Outreach

What If You Didn’t Get Back On the Bus? Exploring the Desire to Stay On Mission

Returning home from a short-term mission or spiritual retreat can be difficult. On the one hand, you have this odd desire to keep travelling, embracing a nomadic servant leadership lifestyle as a permanent gig. On the other hand, you crave the comforts and security that come with getting home to family and friends.

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Discipleship, Family, Gospels, Outreach

The Cost of Leaving Sikh Culture to Follow Christ

“It was like she was hanging on every word! She was smiling and nodding her head as the intern explained all the tests and trials that Joseph faced.” This woman could relate. After so much pain and loneliness, this young woman finally had validation for her suffering. “God’s plan is so perfect!”

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Discipleship, Leadership, Outreach

The Benefits of Experiencing Culture Shock

When I was a youth pastor, I led a group of students from conservative, semi-rural Alaska on a missions trip to Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC. The first part in Seatlle was fairly familiar for them, but Vancouver was a different story. Considering their home environment, our students received the full brunt of religious, ethnic, and socioeconomic culture shock!

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Church, Discipleship, Leadership, Outreach

The Sobering Outcome for the Church that Loses an Evangelistic Focus

As I toured the facilities with the pastor, I started to realize how grim the situation was. It would take way more than a summer work team to turn this church around. It was a large property that resembled a ghost town of sorts; like time stopped a decade prior, when a large group of families just walked away all at once. The property was left to take care of itself. However, the facility wasn’t the problem.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

Are We Striving to Present Everyone Complete In Christ?

We need to take a deep, hard look inside ourselves and get to some honesty. If we have no desire to strive whatsoever, if we feel no compulsion to proclaim Christ, teach or admonish each other in any way, we have got some serious work to do in our hearts.

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Discipleship, Gospels, Outreach

4 Stewardship Principles to Consider When You’re Home For the Holidays

We have to face the reality that there are a number of people who did not have any type of get-together with family or friends this past week.  Nor will they have an opportunity to take part in the many festivities planned throughout this next month. The question is, what will we do about that? How will we make a difference out of our abundance?

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