Tag: statement



When a business, church, or organization sets out to write a new mission or vision, too often it becomes a never-ending journey “and then…” They collaborate and word-smith a bit more, adding in connecting verbiage. Soon they have such a lengthy mission or vision statement, that it would seem they have written a governing policy for the organization. These statements become far from memorable.

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Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry

How a Personal Mission Statement Transformed My Journey

Discover how a personal mission statement can transform your leadership journey.

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Leadership, Ministry

Why I Wrote a Personal Mission Statement

I recently got addicted to a podcast by Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership team. After listening to their episode regarding mission statements, I have been encouraged and empowered to add a personal mission statement to my life and ministry platform.

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Bible, Church, Discipleship, NT

Is Church Growth Centred On Evangelism, Discipleship, or Something Else?

Paul calls us to “present everyone complete in Christ.” (Col. 1:28) To the Colossian Church, “complete” was a term that was commonly used for loading a ship with all the necessary cargo and being prepared. Therefore, completeness is being ready for the long voyage, and ready for whatever trials or toils may come.

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Bible, Leadership, OT

6 Ways a Faithful Leader Obtains Faithful Followers

Josiah was a king who not only does “what is right in the eyes of the Lord,” but who also walks “in all the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left.” (2 Kings 22:2) Finally, God’s people had a king who saw the bigger picture! In his life, we find six ways that King Josiah showed faithfulness to God, leading to faithful followers.

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