All Through a Bass Player’s Testimony. Last night, was fantastic!I had the privilege of taking a small group of teens and young adults to The
Read MoreEase into Christmas morning with Deni Gauthier’s warm rendition of Christmas Time Is Here. A peaceful start to a joyful day!
Read MoreDon’t you love it when an artist starts playing a cover tune? That’s going to be the focus of our final day of highlighting independent musician, Deni Gauthier.
Read MoreDay two with independent musician, Deni Gauthier. He’s a rising Canadian artist that I am proud to be introducing to the American audience.
Read MoreOver the next few days, I’d like to feature an independent musician named Deni Gauthier. I have had the pleasure of knowing Deni personally. Over the past twelve years, I have witnessed his talent grow to levels of excellence. Furthermore and in reference to my initial thoughts, Deni is an artist who has integrity and compassion, mixed with a good dose of humour.
Read MoreThese fellas were rockin’ long hair, moustaches, jean jackets and vintage guitars; matched with an unapologetic Southern hard rock style. Clearly, they pushed aside the popular to embrace a genre from rock and roll’s past. And without a doubt, they do deliver!
Read MoreAs far as the Christian scene, there’s one resource (or resource distributor) that really assists in my ability to stay ahead of the game on what’s up and coming. Interlinc is a media resource company that promotes and distributes Christian media to youth pastors, youth workers, parents, or whoever wants to be up on what’s up.
Read MoreThrough the ’90s, I never would have expected to go to a Christian music festival and see poets mixed in with my favourite hard rock bands. Flash-forward to today, and it’s a trend that is growing in popularity. The dramatic spoken word seems to be making a huge comeback within alternative Christian circles and it is fascinating to watch.
Read MoreThis morning, reading through Psalm 118, there were a couple of verses sparked my interested. “Let those who fear the LORD say: ‘His love endures forever.’ When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place.” (Ps. 118:4-5)
Read MoreAs I scrolled through the latest posts, I was introduced to the incredible talent of a 10-year-old, blind, autistic boy named Christopher Duffley. This remarkable boy was adopted into a Christian home early on, but then God took over!
Read MorePsalm 130 often appears under the heading, “A Song of Ascents”. These Psalms or songs of ascents were common songs that were sung by everyday people as they ascended to the city of Jerusalem from the countryside. Songs of ascent would bring the minds of the people into focus before they entered the city to give sacrifices at the temple.
Read MoreDo you know what Ska is? Gen-Z and younger Millennial readers have already started Googling for answers. Gen-Xers and older Millennials have already slipped into nostalgia. And Boomers will have a recollection, but only through their children’s experience. Wherever you’re at, bear with me for a moment.
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