Tag: prayer

Discipleship, Family

How the Creativity of a Child Is Expressed Through Prayer

Much like other parents, my wife and I try to be intentional about praying with our oldest son. It’s tough to stay on top of it, but as I said, we’re trying! Since he’s been praying on his own, his typical prayer will sound something like the following.

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Bible, Discipleship, Family, OT

How Child-Like Dependency Can Lead To Obedience

I have learned a lot from being a father. Here’s a lesson I learned from my oldest son when he was 3 years old. To give some context, my wife had spent the weekend away, so my son and I got to have a few days of quality time together. God used him to teach me how obedience and dependency on Him are connected.

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Bible, Discipleship, Family, Gospels, NT

Does God have Super Powers? (A Faith Discussion With a 3-Year-Old)

Children have supernatural thoughts. Having three sons is an adventure, to say the least. All three of them have been full of imagination and strong will. Here’s an account of when my oldest son was 3 years old and led us down an interesting discussion about God.

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Family, Leadership

When Illness or Injury Shuts You Down…

Sickness and pain remind us that we’re broken. That we need someone greater than ourselves to help us. Illness and injury drive us to our knees because we can’t function on our own. At that moment, we finally submit that we’re not doing well. This is good for us.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT, Outreach

Why I Need to Close My Mouth and Bow My Head

Colossians 1:9 When I read these words, “we have not ceased to pray for you”, I can’t help but think of S. And the testimony of Prayer Warriors like S. They motivate me to strive for where I’m lacking. They remind me to close my mouth and bow my head.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

How To Remember People From Your Past In Prayer

We all have those reflective times when we think back on past life experiences and events. We often consider the people who have shaped those experiences and events as we think back. How often do we pray for those people? How often do we pray for those people when we ‘remember’ them? How different would our lives be, if we consistently brought them to Lord in prayer whenever we remembered them?

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Bible, Discipleship, OT

You Can’t Have God’s Grace and Mercy without His Judgement and Wrath

Much like the nation of Israel, we have disobeyed God and worshiped false gods; our modern idols work, media, and self. Thankfully, as Paul reminds us in his letter to the Roman church, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

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Discipleship, Music, NT

Who Can Really Be Against Us If God Is For US?

Are you feeling run down and overwhelmed? If so, what is causing you pain and strife today?

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