Tag: pastors

Bible, Leadership

What Is the Role of Women In Today’s Church Leadership?

Our culture is changing rapidly. A major change is regarding equality within the sexes. In most Christian circles, we try to make a concrete separation between males and females. Western culture is ever blurring the lines on sex and gender. Unfortunately, little by little, church culture is following suit, gradually shifting opinion and conviction.

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Church, Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry

How Has Increased Life Expectancy Impacted the Church?

The widening gap between the old and the young. I’ve been thinking about the difference between today’s paid ministry staff compared to the voluntary workers in the early church. Specifically, I was asking the question, “Who was in their twenties and thirties during Paul’s day, and what were they doing?”

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Church, Communication, Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry

3 Reasons Why Coaches Make Great Leaders

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post focusing on why coaches make great pastors. After a great conversation with a friend about the post, I realized that this topic doesn’t just pastors. So, let’s reframe this conversation around all leaders.

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