Tag: olympics

Bible, Discipleship


Life Is A Race. In First Century culture, there was an obsession with the Games. The big-ticket items were the Olympic and Isthmian Games. But

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

How the Olympics Spark Thoughts of Eternity

The Olympics offer a glimpse of heaven’s unity—people from every nation gathering. But our true citizenship is in Christ. What does that mean for us?

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Communication, Leadership

Why a Leader Should Choose To Be Judged

What would the Olympics look like without judges? How necessary are they, really? Perhaps the athletes could do it themselves, in a diplomatic sort of way? They could get together and discuss each others’ routines and come up with the deserving winner. Would that work?

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Discipleship, Leadership

How Leadership Begins with Choosing to Get Off the Couch

I just got back from my first run in a long time, and I have the Olympics to thank for it. I know I should be glued to my television, but watching these athletes seems to push me off of the couch. Does this happen to everyone or just me?

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