Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton

Tag: nativity

Bible, Books, Gospels, Leadership

Why Jesus Enters Our Mess at Christmas

Jesus enters our mess to bring redemption and grace. This Christmas, trust Him to clean up your life with His love and forgiveness.

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Bible, Discipleship

For THIS Purpose Jesus Willingly Accepted the Cross

When Pilate asks Jesus if He’s a king, Jesus’ answer may seem a bit strange. Interesting that Jesus points back to an event that we celebrate as Christmas. He states, “For this Purpose” He was born. “For this purpose,” He came into the world. Pilate of course was not at the manger with Mary, Joseph, and the Shepherds; but this pointer back to the Nativity scene leads us to a sobering realization…

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Bible, Discipleship

Why the Manger?

Every Christmas Eve we’re invited to the manger. The manger is the centre-piece of every nativity set. And the manger central to the account of the very first Christmas. Have you ever asked why?

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

Unveiling the True Meaning of Christmas

“Happy Christmas everyone! And in light of this very merry season I feel it appropriate to ask; as your gathered ’round fires and presents galore, and as you sit with your family who may be a bore; tune out the bright, cheery music and riddle me this; what is the true meaning of your Christmas?” (M. Huber – 12/25/10)

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Ministry, Movies, Music, Outreach

Have You Been Quoting Nativity Inconsistencies? (Small Group Study)

As we work our way through the month of December, we have continued with our Ignited Christmas series. In this series, we’ve used some of’s Christmas Mini-Movies. Today, we’ll be looking at some of the Nativity story inconsistencies and inaccuracies that we quote as Believers.

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