Tag: ministry

Church, Coffee Chats, Communication, Discipleship, Ministry

How a Coffee Card Can Impact a Student Ministry

Youth Pastors should spend time with students. Over time, more and more students show up for youth-related events and activities. It can be difficult for a Youth Pastor to get the face-time needed to develop authentic relationships with all the students.

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Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

Reviewing Paul’s Purpose; Why He Laboured and Strived for the Gospel

In Colossians 1:28, Paul lays out his purpose. According to him, it’s the reason he labours, strives, and works so hard in ministry. He desperately wants every Believer in Christ to be presented complete, in their faith and mission. He wants every Christian to be fully equipped disciples for Jesus.

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Bible, Leadership, NT

How Can We Obtain a Legacy of Being Commended for Faith?

What legacy will you leave? Is it a commendable legacy? Is it a legacy of faith?

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