Tag: ministry

Church, Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry

Discipleship and Discovering Your Calling

Discovering and living out your calling is a foundational step for discipleship, impacting both personal growth and church ministry.

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Church, Leadership, NT

Standing Between Complementarians and Egalitarians

Why are we talking about this? The Western church is currently going through a major shift that needs to be acknowledged. Pastors, church leaders, denominations, fellowships, and networks are all deeply engaged in conversations about the role of women in church leadership, striving to establish a standard on when and how women can teach, preach and lead in the local church.

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Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

How Commitment Builds Momentum In Our Faith

“Practice what you preach.” “Talk the talk, walk the walk!” We’ve all had those times where we struggle to translate our intentions into actions. Commitment is more than a passive engagement; it’s an active decision that requires follow-through. It’s an important component of our faith journey.

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Church, Communication, Leadership, Ministry

How to Prepare for the Millennial Take-Over

In 2029 Millennials will overtake Boomers as the largest generation in Western society. This shift has already started in the workplace. Although Gen-Xers have been working for a couple of decades, there was never enough to replace the massive number of working Boomers, most of whom were in long-term, and often supervisory positions.

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Books, Ministry, Outreach

How Multiple Evangelism Models Work Together

Every pastor claims to know the right way to evangelize. Many are also quick to downplay or disregard other methods or models of evangelism. Over my time in ministry, I’ve come to learn that the ways people come to know Jesus are both deep and wide. And we should be careful when targeting a single way to share the Gospel as the only way.

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Leadership, Ministry, Outreach, The North

Outreach and Evangelism In a Secular City

It was my privilege to be a guest on the UnSeminary Podcast to discuss evangelism and outreach with my context, Whitehorse, Yukon. Why is this an important discussion? Because Whitehorse has a high density of self-identifying non-religious population, according to Statistics Canada. At just under 51%, it might even be the most secular city in North America.

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Adventure, Family, Leadership, Ministry

What Does a Sabbatical Look Like?

This Friday will be the final day of my sabbatical. In this longer-than-usual post, I will try my best to unpack what the past three months looked like and felt like. This post will be insightful for both (1) those who wondered what I was up to for 3 months, and (2) those who are considering a sabbatical in the future.

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Discipleship, Leadership

What Every Leader Experienced Over the Past Two Years

What have you had to endure throughout the pandemic? How might you be hurting or suffering as we hit the 2-year mark? What wounds might you be carrying?

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What Happened To Pastors During the Pandemic?

What has your pastor and church staff had to endure throughout the pandemic? How might they be hurting or suffering as we hit the 2-year mark? What wounds might they be carrying?

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Communication, Leadership

I’m Taking My First Pastoral Sabbatical

After 7+ years of pastoral ministry at Mountainview Church, I’ll be taking an extended time of sabbath rest and spiritual renewal. Just over 3 months to reflect and refocus on my calling as a pastor. Before I leave, I wanted to write a post to say thank you.

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Leadership, Ministry


I recently completed a personal evaluation in the appendices of a book titled, “Resilient Ministry”. Completing the Emotional Life grid was the most telling. It’s time for some real talk.

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Discipleship, Leadership


For church leaders, there’s a skill set (or a mindset) that helps us see past ministry nostalgia and toward ministry opportunities. But we can’t assume that everyone feels the same way we do.

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