Tag: luke

Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

How Fasting Increases the Frequency of Prayer

Build your spiritual resilience by adding fasting to your prayer. In our fast-paced Western society, where freedom and prosperity flourish, the spiritual discipline of fasting often takes a back seat. This is unfortunate because fasting holds the key to enhancing the frequency and impact of our prayers. Today we’re going to dive into some of Jesus’ teaching and uncover the crucial connection between prayer and fasting.

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Bible, Books, Gospels, Leadership

Why Jesus Enters Our Mess at Christmas

Jesus enters our mess to bring redemption and grace. This Christmas, trust Him to clean up your life with His love and forgiveness.

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Bible, Books

What Is The Book of Enoch?

How authority should we (the church) give The Book of Enoch? Should it be included in our western ‘canon’ or not?

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Bible, Discipleship

4 Lessons of Faith Witnessed In the Life of Noah

Describe a life of faithful obedience and reverence. What does a faithful, obedient, reverent life look like for you right now?

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Bible, Discipleship


Lessons to be learned from the Jewish-Samaritan divide.

Today, we’re taking a third look at the Samaritan’s sacrifice to rescue a man who was left for dead. What can we learn from him about the cost of loving our neighbour?

In order to fully grasp the social or societal cost that this Samaritan entered into, we need to understand the differences between the Jewish man laying half-dead, and the Samaritan man that saved his life. We need to understand the social relationship between these two people groups in the same way Jesus audience would have understood them, when He first outlined this parable.

Then we can begin to understand the deeper Gospel picture that Jesus is painting for us in this parable.

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Bible, Discipleship, Outreach


Something that many of us would say we don’t have enough of. Especially if you serve in any area of leadership. Whether you lead at work, in the church, or in a community association, you know how much time and energy it takes to keep an organization pointed in the right direction and moving forward.

It can be truly exhausting!

That is course, is on a normal year. This past year has been a massive challenge for every leader. Ask any manager or director, supervisor or shop foreman, pastor, or board member, and they’ll tell you that over the past year, their time and energy has been depleted to an extent that they’ve never felt before.

Today, we’re looking back at the parable of The Good Samaritan, specifically related to the Samaritan’s sacrifice of time and energy. What can we learn about the amount the physical cost of loving our neighbour?

#GoodSamaritan #Samaritan #Cost #Sacrifice #Jesus #Parable #Gospel

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Bible, Discipleship, Outreach


Have you heard of the Good Samaritan? If you’ve grown up in Western society, it likely rings a bell. The Good Samaritan is one of the most well-known parables of Jesus.

Throughout Christianity, in every denomination, fellowship, and network; every follower of Jesus learns about The Good Samaritan early on in their faith journey. Even those from other faith backgrounds, or even from an atheist or agnostic position, have a loose idea of The Good Samaritan.

This parable brings about an internal conflict that was felt with the initial audience, and has continued throughout the millennia, right up into our modern era.

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Bible, Discipleship

Why the Manger?

Every Christmas Eve we’re invited to the manger. The manger is the centre-piece of every nativity set. And the manger central to the account of the very first Christmas. Have you ever asked why?

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Welcoming the Newborn King Every Christmas

Welcoming the Newborn King this Christmas is more than tradition—it’s about receiving His forgiveness, grace, and the gift of eternal life.

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Discipleship, Outreach

4 Timeless Servanthood Principles to Embrace This Christmas

Prepare your heart for Christmas by embracing servanthood this Christmas. Keep your lamp burning and stay ready for Christ’s return.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

2 Traits That Help Us Wait Well This Christmas

Waiting is hard, but two traits—righteousness and devotion—help us trust God’s promises and stay patient this Christmas season.

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Bible, Ministry


8 Study Questions On Joy. “Good news of great joy!” For your small group ministry studying each theme as Christmas approaches; here’s this week’s advent addition,

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