Tag: listen

Bible, Discipleship

Will You Listen To Jesus This Year?

How have you aided in the mission of Jesus in the past couple of years? How will you aid in His gospel mission this year? What step will you take this week?

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Communication, Ministry


Listening is difficult. I just completed an 8-week mentorship as part of a Christian Leadership course. Each week, we’ve hashed out an array of topics

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Bible, Discipleship


Communicating With Our Saviour: Part 1 Today, we started a new preaching series titled, “Communication Inside & Outside the Church”. If you’re interested, feel free to

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Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

Could a Miraculous Healing Happen In a Baptist Church?

Consider Jesus’ care for the afflicted; He took time to know their stories. How can we follow His example today?

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Communication, Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry, Movies, Music, Technology

How a “No Headphones” Rule Can Promote Community

Once a youth trip begins, it’s fascinating to see how quickly the students expect a youth pastor to act like their parents, but that’s not the goal in this environment. It’s important for students to have some safe, healthy independence during youth trips. For the most part, they were free to decide, and I always enjoy seeing their faces when this freedom first sets in.

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Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

How To Slow Down Enough To Be Quick To Listen

As an extrovert, I have to really try to “be quick to listen, slow to speak”. (James 1:19-21) Perhaps you’re an extrovert as well, and can relate? We spend so much time giving our opinions or telling some story that we think people need to hear. We often miss so many important pieces of information from the people we’re interacting with. The struggle is real!

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Bible, Communication, Discipleship, Gospels

How Jesus Shows Us the Significance of Learning Someone’s Story

Why don’t we care more about people’s stories? Why do they have to be rich, famous, or have done some sort of amazing feat before we’ll take an interest?

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