Tag: leaders

Bible, Church, Leadership, NT

Choosing to Be a Good Citizen

Discover why Paul calls us to submit to governing authorities and what it means to be a good citizen according to Romans 13:1-7.

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Bible, Church, Leadership, NT

Paul’s Submission to Government

Paul addresses the topic of government in Romans 13, urging submission to governing authorities.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

Uncovering the Enjoyment of an Audio Bible

In the last chapter (28) of Acts, we find a unique account where Paul is trying to convince a group of Jewish leaders that the Gospel is truth.

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Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

How Faith and Leadership Develop Over Time

A Few Abstract Reflections From My Ministry Journey: In reflecting on my last three years in ministry, I found myself pondering the significance of age concerning Jesus’ earthly ministry. For context, you can explore my earlier post: “What’s the Significance of Turning 30?” Today, I invite you to dive into a few insights that I’ve gleaned from Hebrews 11—a potentially abstract exploration of faith and leadership. The author opens up with a powerful statement.

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Leadership, Ministry

How To Develop Integrity Within First-String Volunteers

Consistency may be fairly easy to obtain for our first-string players who are passionate about the ministry. However, what’s the level of consistency within their personal relationships with Christ? This type of consistency leads to a question of integrity.

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Church, Communication, Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry

3 Reasons Why Coaches Make Great Leaders

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post focusing on why coaches make great pastors. After a great conversation with a friend about the post, I realized that this topic doesn’t just pastors. So, let’s reframe this conversation around all leaders.

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Communication, Leadership

Why a Leader Should Choose To Be Judged

What would the Olympics look like without judges? How necessary are they, really? Perhaps the athletes could do it themselves, in a diplomatic sort of way? They could get together and discuss each others’ routines and come up with the deserving winner. Would that work?

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Discipleship, Leadership

How Leadership Begins with Choosing to Get Off the Couch

I just got back from my first run in a long time, and I have the Olympics to thank for it. I know I should be glued to my television, but watching these athletes seems to push me off of the couch. Does this happen to everyone or just me?

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Communication, Leadership, Ministry

4 Questions To Ask When Writing a Church Mission Statement

Ask any member of your church, “What’s important to you?” and you’ll get a wide variety of opinions and preferences. However, the mission should remain, and bring focus to all of these areas. So, have a look at your church’s mission statement this week and ask four strategic questions.

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Bible, Leadership, OT

6 Ways a Faithful Leader Obtains Faithful Followers

Josiah was a king who not only does “what is right in the eyes of the Lord,” but who also walks “in all the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left.” (2 Kings 22:2) Finally, God’s people had a king who saw the bigger picture! In his life, we find six ways that King Josiah showed faithfulness to God, leading to faithful followers.

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Books, Leadership, OT


If you are a human being you will never be a perfect leader. However, if you look behind you, and you have a team of decent people following your leadership, you’re doing something right. They’ve chosen to be influenced by you. That’s evidence that you’re moving in the right direction. Don’t believe the perfection lie. Lean into the grace found in Jesus, then lean back into leading.

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Bible, Leadership, OT

Why Leaders Who Fall Should Be Forgiven

What would happen to David after his moral failure today? Would he be cut off from ever leading again? Would we jump on social media to discuss his punishment? Would we simply cancel him, erasing him from history? Sounds pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? Or have we missed something really important?

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