Tag: leader

Discipleship, Leadership

What I Learned About Leadership From Losing a Contact Lens

Service is a key component of leadership. Good service is hard to come by these days. A good leader should be providing service excellence and therefore, training team members to follow their example. Unfortunately, there’s a temptation to be too busy (or too proud), to provide high-calibre service.

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Church, Leadership, Ministry

3 Reasons Why Coaches Make Great Pastors

“You’ll do it because I’m your boss.” For some reason, this statement motivated a previous generation. Not in this post-modern world! This kind of statement is a surefire way to get a team member to quit. Note, I said “team member”.

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Bible, Leadership, OT

How To Fight Injustice and Make a Difference

Do you ever see or hear something that makes you angry and feel like fighting? Not so much to fight for the sake of fighting; I’m talking about something deeper. I’m talking about fighting for someone who has been cheated in life or put down by a greater authority.

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Bible, Leadership, OT

6 Ways a Faithful Leader Obtains Faithful Followers

Josiah was a king who not only does “what is right in the eyes of the Lord,” but who also walks “in all the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left.” (2 Kings 22:2) Finally, God’s people had a king who saw the bigger picture! In his life, we find six ways that King Josiah showed faithfulness to God, leading to faithful followers.

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Books, Leadership, OT


If you are a human being you will never be a perfect leader. However, if you look behind you, and you have a team of decent people following your leadership, you’re doing something right. They’ve chosen to be influenced by you. That’s evidence that you’re moving in the right direction. Don’t believe the perfection lie. Lean into the grace found in Jesus, then lean back into leading.

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Bible, Leadership, OT

Why Leaders Who Fall Should Be Forgiven

What would happen to David after his moral failure today? Would he be cut off from ever leading again? Would we jump on social media to discuss his punishment? Would we simply cancel him, erasing him from history? Sounds pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? Or have we missed something really important?

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