Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton

Tag: god

Bible, Discipleship, OT

Regardless of Your Situation, God Is Definitely Listening

Have you ever felt like God is ignoring you? When life is falling apart, it feels like God is refusing to step in. Even when you’re crying out for help, it feels like God isn’t listening. Yet in truth, He is intently listening to every word.

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Bible, Discipleship, OT

What If We All Did What Was Right In Our Own Eyes?

What would our society look like with no authority? What would human beings do to each other without some form of governing body?  What would we try to get away with if we had no police force or military?

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Bible, Discipleship

Will You Answer When God Calls?

Many times, we feel an unexplainable call to action by God toward a certain task. Once we recognize that there is something that God desires of us, how will we respond? How should we respond? How do we often respond?

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Discipleship, Leadership, OT

As For You and Your House…

“As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Christians love this statement. Unfortunately, most believe that this is the entire verse or an all-encompassing statement. Spoiler, it’s not.

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Bible, Discipleship, OT

You Can’t Have God’s Grace and Mercy without His Judgement and Wrath

Much like the nation of Israel, we have disobeyed God and worshiped false gods; our modern idols work, media, and self. Thankfully, as Paul reminds us in his letter to the Roman church, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

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Adventure, Bible, Leadership

Have You Ever Put Up Stones of Remembrance?

What amazing struggle has God helped you overcome? What task has God given you the strength to complete? What incredible experience has God brought you to? What need (or want) has God provided out of nowhere?

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Adventure, Bible, Discipleship, OT, Wildlife

Don’t Underestimate the Expanse of God’s Grace

Whether you’re following God’s leading or not, don’t underestimate God’s plan. Don’t underestimate the possibility that God may be working far greater intentions for someone else. Don’t underestimate the possibility that you are still a tool in God’s hands, being used for His Gospel and His glory!

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Bible, Discipleship

We Can’t Eat Money When the Food Runs Out

What good is money if there’s nothing to buy? What happens if the surrounding countries won’t sell us their products and/or services?

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Bible, Discipleship, OT

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until Times Are Tough To Listen To God

Do you face a big decision today?  Is God asking you to take a step of faith?  Is He calling you to leave a comfortable life for a faith-filled journey?  Will you listen and follow?

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Discipleship, Music, NT

Who Can Really Be Against Us If God Is For US?

Are you feeling run down and overwhelmed? If so, what is causing you pain and strife today?

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Bible, Discipleship, Family, Gospels, NT

How Should We Discuss Love, Marriage, and Submission In a Post-Christian Culture?

A wife’s submission to her husband is a touchy subject these days. Even in the Church! Living in this moment, in a post-Christian Western culture, it’s hard to hear words like those found in 1 Peter 3. How do we teach this Biblical principle in a post-Christian culture?

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Bible, Leadership, NT

The Struggle Between Personal Preference and Submission To Authority

What country do you live in and which political party do you typically lean toward? When your preferred party is not in power, how do you reconcile with government decisions? How do you navigate your disagreement or potential anger?

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