Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton

Tag: god

Books, Discipleship, Ministry

What Are the Cultural Outcomes of Erasing Hell?

The rise in universalism is concerning. There’s always been an element of it, but it never hit popularity in the evangelical world until recently, brought about by a book by pastor and author, Rob Bell titled “Love Wins. Thankfully, one pastor responded to the masses. Francis Chan released a counter book to Love Wins titled, “Erasing Hell”.

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Bible, Books, Ministry

Why Francis Chan’s Book “Erasing Hell” Is Still A Must-Read

Not long after Bell’s book started to gain traction, Francis Chan released a video on social. It was a promo clip for his new book “Erasing Hell: What God said about eternity, and the things we’ve made up.” As I watched, it was clear that Chan was attempting to recentre Christians who were being pulled toward this false doctrine.

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Adventure, Bible, Books, Gospels, Ministry

God Is Writing An Incredible Story for Our Lives

Throughout this journey, my trust in God’s sovereignty has become easier to grasp. It’s not that I haven’t experienced conflict and trial. The difference is that this concept of God’s great Story has driven me to pray in ways that I don’t normally experience.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

Understanding the Gift that Is Heavenly Immigration

We’re not judged based on available finances, correct identification, and especially not our criminal record. Everything has been paid for in full! All offences are forgiven! And we are in perfect standing because of Jesus. All because of Jesus!

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Communication, Leadership, Ministry

4 Questions To Ask When Writing a Church Mission Statement

Ask any member of your church, “What’s important to you?” and you’ll get a wide variety of opinions and preferences. However, the mission should remain, and bring focus to all of these areas. So, have a look at your church’s mission statement this week and ask four strategic questions.

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Bible, Books, Discipleship, NT

How To Embrace Tests of Faith Instead of the Approval of Others

We can persevere through those unhealthy and unhelpful thoughts and feelings, moving into a place of deeper belonging. We can make a choice to rest in God’s love, poured out through Jesus, who becomes our source of value and identity. And in Him, we receive a maturity that we might not otherwise have known.

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Bible, Creation, Discipleship, OT

Understanding How the Bible and the Brain Are Connected

The Prefrontal Cortex is where we make decisions to take action on thought. The Prefrontal Cortex handles one’s behaviour. This brings greater understanding into Deut. 6:4-8, “These commandments that I give you today…bind them on your foreheads.” Perhaps the God who designed our brains, was leading Moses to be as specific as possible, in exactly where we should store His commandments?

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

How To Remember People From Your Past In Prayer

We all have those reflective times when we think back on past life experiences and events. We often consider the people who have shaped those experiences and events as we think back. How often do we pray for those people? How often do we pray for those people when we ‘remember’ them? How different would our lives be, if we consistently brought them to Lord in prayer whenever we remembered them?

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Bible, Discipleship, OT

Why Cheaters Never Prosper and Trickery Will Find You Out

Nobody likes a cheat! That is, unless, you’re the cheat. In that situation, you might feel wise and crafty. You might even feel a bit of thrill from your trickery. Maybe you feel justified in your actions? Regardless of your reasoning, remember that cheaters never prosper! Cheating people out of money and possessions has been happening since biblical times, and it never ends well for the cheater!

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Bible, Discipleship, OT

How To Prosper In All You Do, Wherever You Go

The prosperous life that God offers has meaning, value and purpose. Relationships with God and with others are transformed. Decisions matter more, even the little ones. Fears and anxieties can be laid down. Joy and celebration can be fully embraced. Peace and rest are actually attainable.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

Be Confident, God Is Completing a Good Work In You

This is true for you. God’s sovereign hand is directing your life and guiding you. Even as you struggle with sin, and the sin of others, He is with you. He is performing a good work in you and His goal is for your completion in Christ! Be confident in this truth.

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Bible, Creation, OT, Wildlife

Did Dinosaurs and Humans Co-Exist?

How do you explain Job 40 and 41? Are these two animals dinosaurs? If not, what kind of animals are they? And the biggest question; did dinosaurs and humans walk this earth together?

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