Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton

Tag: god

Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry

How God Can Turn Adversity Into An Alliance

My heart sank. As I worked my way around the camp, I surveyed the damages. After reporting the incident to the police, I notified a few of our board members. As I initially explained what had happened to our newly elected Treasurer, he gave me these encouraging words. “God is good and He will work good out of this somehow.”

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Communication, Leadership

The Benefits of Finding a Canadian Friend In America

While living in Alaska, as a Canadian, I often felt culturally alone. Though struggling, I continued with my calling, trying to depend on God to comfort me in times of loneliness. Thankfully, He placed a Canadian friend into my life, whose home would become my Canadian oasis.

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Bible, Discipleship, Gospels, Ministry, NT

Impossibilities Can Be Conquered By God’s Power (Small Group Study)

In our lives, work or school, family life or social settings feel overwhelming. Sometimes it’s the layering of all those things that become too much. Add to all of that our goals and aspirations that we feel called to reach, but then they might fall apart as well. In these moments, life feels impossible!

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Leadership, Outreach

Are You Bold Enough To Pray Around Your Flag Pole?

It was 7:00 AM local time. A “global day of student prayer” was being held. I had the privilege of gathering with a group of students around their school flag pole.

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Bible, Books, Gospels

How To Authentically Love Our Neighbours

How are you at loving others? I wish I was better at it. A common reason people love others is to be liked. It sounds shallow, I know, but at the root of far too many acts of kindness is a desire to be accepted or embraced by others. When we love our neighbours, it’s almost always for us, in some way.

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Discipleship, Family

Why We Should Run To the Father with Our Shame and Remorse

As a father, my relationship with him has caused me to consider my relationship with our Heavenly Father on numerous occasions. The other night, he once again opened my eyes to a new understanding of the Father.

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Discipleship, Family

How the Creativity of a Child Is Expressed Through Prayer

Much like other parents, my wife and I try to be intentional about praying with our oldest son. It’s tough to stay on top of it, but as I said, we’re trying! Since he’s been praying on his own, his typical prayer will sound something like the following.

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Bible, Discipleship, Ministry

How Does One Boast In the Lord?

What is boasting? According to Merriam-Webster, boasting is defined as, “to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself.” Unfortunately, many people struggle with self-boasting, present company included. It happens so quickly and easily.

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Bible, Discipleship, Family, OT

How Child-Like Dependency Can Lead To Obedience

I have learned a lot from being a father. Here’s a lesson I learned from my oldest son when he was 3 years old. To give some context, my wife had spent the weekend away, so my son and I got to have a few days of quality time together. God used him to teach me how obedience and dependency on Him are connected.

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Bible, Discipleship, Family, Gospels, NT

Does God have Super Powers? (A Faith Discussion With a 3-Year-Old)

Children have supernatural thoughts. Having three sons is an adventure, to say the least. All three of them have been full of imagination and strong will. Here’s an account of when my oldest son was 3 years old and led us down an interesting discussion about God.

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Family, Leadership

When Illness or Injury Shuts You Down…

Sickness and pain remind us that we’re broken. That we need someone greater than ourselves to help us. Illness and injury drive us to our knees because we can’t function on our own. At that moment, we finally submit that we’re not doing well. This is good for us.

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Bible, Discipleship, Ministry

How To Find a Guiding Life-Verse

For many Christians, a certain verse or passage can carry more importance or perhaps, becomes easier to memorize. This is because of its attachment to particular events in their life. Sometimes attached to their salvation or baptism. This piece of Scripture becomes an anchor used to solidify their faith, and throughout their faith journey, comes to be known as a “life-verse”.

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