Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton

Tag: god

Bible, OT

Joseph’s Saga of Faith, Betrayal, and Redemption

Explore Joseph’s inspiring biblical journey from slavery to prominence, revealing God’s providence in Genesis chapters 37-50.

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Books, Discipleship, OT

Embracing Faith without Comfort

Why stepping out for God is worth it: Is God prompting you to take a leap of faith? Could He be asking you to step out of your comfortable life?

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

Do We Truly Believe God Is for Us?

Do we live as if God is truly on our side? In the latter part of Romans chapter 8, we find a powerful reminder for those of us who follow Jesus: “If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”
Romans 8:31b-32, ESV

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Bible, Books, NT

Concluding Lucado’s “Parable of the River” (Part 3)

Last week, I explored themes from Max Lucado’s book, “In The Grip Of Grace,” delving into the first few chapters of Romans. What started as a single post has evolved into a three-part series. Today, I present the third and final piece of this interesting and inspiring tale.

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Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

How Faith and Leadership Develop Over Time

A Few Abstract Reflections From My Ministry Journey: In reflecting on my last three years in ministry, I found myself pondering the significance of age concerning Jesus’ earthly ministry. For context, you can explore my earlier post: “What’s the Significance of Turning 30?” Today, I invite you to dive into a few insights that I’ve gleaned from Hebrews 11—a potentially abstract exploration of faith and leadership. The author opens up with a powerful statement.

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Bible, Discipleship

Attempting to Unravel the Mystery of God’s Sovereignty and Falling Away?

Wrestling with the Tension of Free Will and God’s Will: This week, I’ve been grappling with the question: “Is it Possible to Fall Away from God’s Grace?” My curiosity kicked off after reading through Hebrews 6 and placing myself in the First Century Hebrew Church. How would I have understood the letter at the time? What assumptions would I have made without having the entirety of Scripture?

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Bible, Discipleship

Is It Possible To Fall Away From God’s Grace?

This is not an easy question. It’s often a painful question because there can be painful personal stories mixed into the desire for truth. Sometimes the personal or familial aspects of why we want answers can cloud our ability to hear the truth. I ask myself this question every time I come across Hebrews 6. Honestly, my mind lights up with all sorts of questions.

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Communication, Leadership

When Should You Consider Bringing On an Assistant Captain

Growth happens; often before you’re ready for it. Soon enough, a leader can be consumed by day-to-day details that have nothing to do with the overall vision work that should be taking place. It’s time to assign an Assistant Captain.

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Bible, Church, Discipleship, NT

Would the Western Church Benefit From Persecution?

It’s common to hear us church-goers get into a heated debate over church politics, leadership structure, etc. Every once in a while, I’m reminded and humbled that the Church doesn’t just exist in our Western world circles. The Church is alive and active all over the world. Much of it, experiencing terrible persecution for their faith. In our Western culture, I wonder if and/or when we will experience persecution.

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Church, Ministry, Technology

Should Social Media Have a Place In the Church?

Though the social media wave has been gaining speed and volume, many still oppose its use. Many believe this social phenomena is just some band-wagon craze that will eventually die off. I’m not so sure.

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Bible, Leadership

How to Grasp the Benefits of Regularly Reading the Mosaic Law

I didn’t simply decide to read through the Mosaic Law. I actually picked up a Chronological Bible and decided that it would be a fresh way to read through Scripture. Needless to say, it has definitely given me a better understanding of how things took place and why they happened when they did.

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Bible, Books, Discipleship, OT

How You’re Being Included In God’s Purposed Plan

Take a moment to meditate on the deeper level of this Scripture. “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21) It’s next level, isn’t it? One of those reflections of time and space. I often find myself getting lost in Scriptures like this one.  I’m consumed by thoughts of how God is guiding my life, and my eternal life for those willing to accept that statement. God’s sovereignty always seems to be on my mind and always has been.

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