Tag: comfort

Adventure, Creation, Discipleship


It’s winter. The fear of cold can cause us to surround ourselves with man-made comforts. We shudder as the fresh air hits our face, when we roll down the window to accept our coffee at the drive-through.

We dread snowfall because it means we’ll have to spend extended time in the elements. We’ll be clearing the snow off of the driveway not once, but twice because of the snow-plow. Going outside for any other reason seems unthinkable.

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Bible, Discipleship, Gospels

Know That Jesus Knows Our Sorrow

Jesus wept for Lazarus, showing His deep understanding of human sorrow. How have you experienced sorrow?

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Books, Discipleship, OT

Embracing Faith without Comfort

Why stepping out for God is worth it: Is God prompting you to take a leap of faith? Could He be asking you to step out of your comfortable life?

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Bible, Music, OT

Finding the Comfort of a Spacious Place

This morning, reading through Psalm 118, there were a couple of verses sparked my interested. “Let those who fear the LORD say: ‘His love endures forever.’ When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place.” (Ps. 118:4-5)

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Bible, Discipleship, Family, OT

How Child-Like Dependency Can Lead To Obedience

I have learned a lot from being a father. Here’s a lesson I learned from my oldest son when he was 3 years old. To give some context, my wife had spent the weekend away, so my son and I got to have a few days of quality time together. God used him to teach me how obedience and dependency on Him are connected.

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