Tag: coffee

Coffee Chats, Technology


Tim Horton’s Recently Renovated. When culture changes, organizations have to adapt. If an organization wants to continue to fulfil its mandate year after year, change

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Coffee Chats, Discipleship, Leadership

The Best Way to Resolve Conflict and Strengthen Relationships

The best way to resolve conflict face-to-face and build stronger relationships isn’t through email or text—it’s through personal, meaningful conversations.

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Communication, Gospels, Leadership, Ministry

Why I Work in Coffee Shops Instead of the Church Office

I left the church office to work in coffee shops because that’s where people are. Ministry happens in the everyday moments of life.

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Coffee Chats, Communication

Why Coffee Shops Quench More Than My Thirst

Coffee shops and faith go hand in hand. They quench more than thirst—they offer a space for connection, reflection, and deep conversations.

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Coffee Chats, Communication, Discipleship, Ministry

How Coffee Shops Became the New Community Wells

Coffee shops are the modern-day community wells, creating spaces for relationships, ministry, and connection in small towns and beyond.

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Coffee Chats, Communication, Discipleship, Leadership, Ministry

Strengthening Bonds Over a Cup of Coffee

Meeting for coffee is about building relationships, not just enjoying a beverage.

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Bible, Coffee Chats, NT

How Meeting For Coffee Could Be a Biblical Concept

In today’s world of abundant communication, the timeless tradition of meeting up for coffee remains an important aspect of everyday life.

While I’m a big fan of technology, admitting that most information is exchanged via text, email, and social media, there’s an undeniable difference when communicating over a good old cup of joe.

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Coffee Chats, Leadership

Proof that Customer Service and Coffee Shops Go Hand In Hand

Our friend from Washington State visited Canada. We used to live in Calgary, and a friend from Washington came to visit. We tried to do a few things that were iconically Canadian to give her a bit of Canuck-culture.

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Coffee Chats, Communication, Gospels, The North

How a French Press Coffee Pot Fulfilled the Second Greatest Commandment

It was early December, and the past month had been especially bad for high winds. Over the past week, we had lost power a number of times due to downed trees over power lines. The wind storms just kept coming one after the other!

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Bible, Coffee Chats, Discipleship, NT, Outreach

How Downsizing Your Latte Could Become a Fragrant Offering To the Lord

Would it not be amazing, if all missionaries were able to report, “I have received full payment and have more than enough. I am amply supplied…” (Phil. 4:18a) How do we make this happen? It can start today, as you stop into your local coffee shop. Before you order that, ’20-Ounce, Triple-Shot, Sugar-Free Vanilla, Soy-Latte’, take a moment to remember those sharing the Gospel abroad and order a 12-ounce.

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Coffee Chats, Communication

Why Meeting for Coffee Is Really About Relationship

What’s your favourite place to meet people for coffee? Is it just about the quality of the product or the environment? Why do you love meeting people there? What makes it special?

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