Tag: christianity

Bible, Leadership

How Did Jesus View Government?

Discover Jesus’ perspective on government and authority based on Romans 13 and how it applies today.

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Discipleship, Leadership, OT

The Connection Between Fearing God, Grace, and Mercy

Discover the deep connection between fearing God, His grace, and His mercy through the story of Joshua.

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Bible, Discipleship

The Adventure that Comes from Choosing to Act Like Peter

Are you willing to leap into action like Peter? Discover the adventure of immediate obedience to God’s call.

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Bible, Music, NT

Getting to Know the Book of Jude as Well as We Know the Song, “Hey Jude”

it packs a punch! Within this small letter, there’s a wealth of doctrinal content. It’s often overlooked within the New Testament letter because it has some taglines reaching back into Jewish history, and non-biblical texts. This can leave some scratching their heads and even sermons are hard to come by.

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Discipleship, Outreach

Witnessing the Decline of Cultural Christianity in Britain

Christian culture has definitely not been sustained and preserved like the churches and cathedrals have. After spending some time in British culture, my perspective is that England is definitely showing the signs of a people who are caring less about God nor the church.

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Leadership, Music

How To Increase Impact By Matching Music with the Message

There’s a deeper calling. Our music leaders are being led by the Spirit. They aren’t simply picking song that fit. They’re being led to bring songs that will carry the mind of the congregation toward the Biblical principle of that particular gathering.

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Bible, Movies, NT

The Connection Between Modern Western Church and Nacho Libre

Why do we do what we do? Are we stuck between legalistic church life (pursing religious piety) and prideful rebellion (self-seeking glory)? How are these behaviours centred on the Gospel? How are they reflecting Jesus to our world?

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Bible, Church, Discipleship

How Checklist Spirituality Slips Into the Church

Human beings have been tempted to keep a spiritual checklist for centuries; striving to do enough good or avoid enough bad to be accepted by God. It’s an unhealthy temptation of our sinful nature that slips into the church. It surfaces when someone is trying to be a “good Christian” by adhering to certain rules and standards.

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Bible, Discipleship, Family, Gospels, NT

How Should We Discuss Love, Marriage, and Submission In a Post-Christian Culture?

A wife’s submission to her husband is a touchy subject these days. Even in the Church! Living in this moment, in a post-Christian Western culture, it’s hard to hear words like those found in 1 Peter 3. How do we teach this Biblical principle in a post-Christian culture?

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