Tag: christ

Bible, Books, Gospels, Leadership

Why Jesus Enters Our Mess at Christmas

Jesus enters our mess to bring redemption and grace. This Christmas, trust Him to clean up your life with His love and forgiveness.

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Bible, Church, Gospels, NT

Chosen by God this Christmas

Celebrate God’s love this Christmas through the story of Mary. Reflect on how you are chosen by His grace, not by merit, but by love.

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Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

How Do People Change After Receiving the Gospel?

Five outcomes of a transformed heart. In chapter 12 of Paul’s letter to the Roman Church, there are some unique outcomes that he lays out, on how an individual responds once they have received the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These responses or perhaps, better clarified as behavioural outcomes, are spurred on by the Holy Spirit and then lived out by the individual.

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Books, Ministry, Outreach

How Multiple Evangelism Models Work Together

Every pastor claims to know the right way to evangelize. Many are also quick to downplay or disregard other methods or models of evangelism. Over my time in ministry, I’ve come to learn that the ways people come to know Jesus are both deep and wide. And we should be careful when targeting a single way to share the Gospel as the only way.

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Bible, Discipleship

4 Lessons of Faith Witnessed In the Life of Noah

Describe a life of faithful obedience and reverence. What does a faithful, obedient, reverent life look like for you right now?

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Bible, Discipleship

For THIS Purpose Jesus Willingly Accepted the Cross

When Pilate asks Jesus if He’s a king, Jesus’ answer may seem a bit strange. Interesting that Jesus points back to an event that we celebrate as Christmas. He states, “For this Purpose” He was born. “For this purpose,” He came into the world. Pilate of course was not at the manger with Mary, Joseph, and the Shepherds; but this pointer back to the Nativity scene leads us to a sobering realization…

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Bible, Discipleship


There’s a huge difference between intention and direction. Because intention never actually gets us to our desired destination. That is, until we stop, and change our direction. If we can keep Jesus at the centre, our direction changes. When Jesus is the centre and the standard, our best intentions turn into Gospel-focused direction. And we live a better story!

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Bible, Discipleship

Why the Manger?

Every Christmas Eve we’re invited to the manger. The manger is the centre-piece of every nativity set. And the manger central to the account of the very first Christmas. Have you ever asked why?

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Bible, Outreach


I’m talking about that giddy, uncontrollable joy, where you want to run and jump and shout for joy?

Some of you may feel like this is an unfair question. That this year, 2020, has not been very joyful at all. However, there is one moment of giddy, uncontrollable joy that happened hundreds, if not thousands of times throughout 2020. And that’s when parents find out a baby’s on the way!

Specifically, for those first-time parents! We’ve all seen those videos on social, where a mom plans a pregnancy reveal to her husband on camera. And what does he do? He goes crazy; crying or laughing, sometimes both at the same time. He is overwhelmed with joy!

Then, an even better video-clip is when the couple tells the first-time grandparents. I especially love watching grandmas! She starts dancing around the kitchen or living room like a crazy lady! You can’t help but smile or laugh.

Now imagine for a moment, receiving that baby announcement after 400 years of waiting.

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Bible, Discipleship

How to Trust Jesus This Christmas

Trust Jesus this Christmas by shifting your focus from comparisons to Christ. Discover joy and peace that last far beyond the holiday season.

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Bible, Discipleship


How To Extend the Honeymoon, When the Honeymoon’s Over. This past week, we’ve already discussed dating, courtship and engagement; and the competitions that arise between

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Discipleship, Leadership


God Sent a Defender. If we wake up every morning, looking for validation from the people around us, it might last for a while. But eventually,

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