Prayer Requests.

Will we submit to God’s plan for our lives? Will we clothe our prayer in humility? Will we remain faithful, even when our requests are not answered the first time, the second time or the third time? What if our requests are never granted?
Will we remain faithful to Christ? Even if the request is never granted we must continue our humble submission to His will and remain faithful.
Feel free to use the following study questions for devotional thought or in your next Small Group study.
9 Study Questions – Matthew 15:21-28
- From this week’s post or the reading of the passage, what affected you the most?
- Jesus often withdrew from ministry work for a short time (personally in Mt. 14:13, Lk. 5:16, Jn. 6:15 and with the disciples in Mk. 3:7, Lk. 9:10, Jn. 11:54, Mt. 15:21). What can we learn from this?
- Discuss the history between the Canaanites and the Israelites. What would you be thinking or feeling if you were one of the disciples?
- Now put yourself in the place of the Canaanite woman. How would you feel? What would you think?
- How does Jesus words to the Canaanite woman impact your view of Him? What do you see now that you didn’t before?
- Discuss the Canaanite woman’s submission, humility and faith. What impresses you most?
- What does your current prayer life look like or feel like? What do you request most from God?
- How will your prayer life change, after studying the account of the Canaanite woman?
- What specific commitments will you make this week, to improve your prayer life?
Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts
Do these study questions bring clarity to your prayer life? Which area did God highlight; submission, humility or faith?