Continued Study of Matthew’s Gospel – 7 Study Questions

This past year, our Lead Pastor, Mark Carroll has been teaching through the Book of Matthew.
We recently moved into the third discourse of Matthew’s Gospel, discussing Jesus’ Parables.
Each week, our small groups ministry (Community Groups) have discusd the sermons and coinciding passages.
This content is available.
Each sermon can be found and downloaded HERE. If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast.
Feel free to check out the earlier studies; #1: The Parable of the Sower, #2: The Parable of the Weeds, #3: The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven and #4: The Parable of the Net.
#5: The Parable of the Net
Before working through the study questions, I suggest reading through the key passage, found in Matthew 13:47-52. If you have the time, I would also suggest listening to the message by Pastor Mark Carroll (Download or Podcast).
Discussion Questions
- What thoughts immediately come to mind after reading this passage?
- In our culture, how do people get caught up in the urgent tasks instead of the important ones?
- When’s the last time you specifically chose to focus on an important task?
- When’s the last time you spent some time setting personal goals? Were they physical, relational, mental or spiritual?
- The Kingdom is coming. How are you setting time aside for the important task of telling friends and coworkers about Jesus?
- The Gospel is important. The Gospel is a treasure. When’s the last time you shared the Gospel with someone?
- How will you set time aside for the important task of sharing your faith? Who will you share the Gospel with this week?
How will you set time aside for the important task of sharing your faith?