Stepping Out in Faith Trusting God’s Plan Through Writing
From Journals to Blog Posts: August 30, 2009
I’ve been writing for years, mostly in a physical journal during my devotional time. A couple of years ago, my desire for writing dried up, and I quit altogether. But recently, that passion came back stronger than ever. Writing has become a journey of Trusting God’s Plan, allowing Him to shape my thoughts and direction.
This time, instead of keeping my reflections private, I’ve decided to share them here. I may not write every day, but when I do, I hope you find encouragement in these words!
Wrestling With God’s Sovereignty
Today’s reading is 1 Peter 1. This passage is a powerful reminder of God’s sovereignty in salvation. Over the years, I’ve heard people push back against a reformed view of sovereignty with the classic “God didn’t make robots” argument.
I find it thrilling to know that God is guiding my life (and eternal life) in such a specific way. I don’t fully understand why or how He chose me, but I’m beyond grateful that He did.
Last night, my wife and I watched Facing the Giants. We were both deeply moved by its message about trusting God’s good and sovereign work in our lives when we commit fully to Him. It struck a chord, making me reflect on my own journey and calling.
How Trusting God’s Plan Can Shift Your Perspective
A year ago, my family and I left Airdrie, Alberta, to serve in Soldotna, Alaska, taking a Youth Ministry role under an R1 Religious Worker permit for three years. Up until this morning, I had been wrestling with how long I wanted to stay in the U.S. My time wasn’t close to being up, but I wasn’t sure if I would extend this role beyond the three years I had been given.
But something changed this week.
I’ve been seeing incredible blessings and growth in my ministry, and last night, Facing the Giants started shifting my heart. Then, this morning’s reading from 1 Peter 1 completely solidified my perspective. I now feel an overwhelming sense of God’s planning and purpose for my life in this season.
“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:13)
Trusting God’s Plan in Difficult Seasons
I know I’m here for a reason. God is calling me to prepare my mind for action right now. He’s calling me to trust Him fully and to let go of my need for control. His sovereignty surpasses all my plans and ideas for the future. Who am I to decide when and where God wants to use me?
If He’s calling me to stay longer, I will. If He’s leading me in a new direction later, I’ll follow. But for now, I’ll walk forward in faith, knowing that wherever He calls, He provides.
Dive Deeper Into Scripture
Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts
Have you ever struggled with surrendering your plans to God’s sovereignty?
What’s a moment in your life when God shifted your perspective?
How can you prepare your mind for action in your current season?