Romans Road Step #3: The Solution

This week, we’ve been walking down The Romans Road. We took our first (1) step, “The Beginning” using Romans 1:20, focusing on God as our Creator. Sharing the truth that the story of salvation begins with creation.
Yesterday, we took our second (2) step, exploring “The Need” for salvation, using Romans 3:23. Our focus, that all of humanity is born sinful, which separates us from God.
This is the moment we move on to step three (3) “The Solution”, using Romans 5:8.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8 reads, “While we were still sinners…” While we were still separated from God, while our sin still separated us from God, at a time when we least deserve it, he demonstrated His love for us!
He didn’t have to. He didn’t need to. But he chose to. He wanted to. He loves us enough to give us “The Solution” to our problem of sin.
God’s Love
As we take this third (3) step in The Romans Road, sharing the Gospel with our friend, neighbour or coworker, we can’t neglect the truth of God‘s love.
Even though our sin separates from God, He showed us His love and made a way. He forged a spiritual bridge by sending His one and only Son to die for our sin.
Next Week
Check back next week when we explore “The Options”, using Romans 6:23.
Can I get your feedback?
We’re sinners but God loves us. How would you explain Romans 5:8 to an unbeliever?
Please comment below or share your answer on Facebook or Twitter.