Discipleship, Outreach

Should Merry Christmas Always Be Our Festive Greeting?

Christmas is almost here!

The stores are full of decorations, colourful displays, and endless gift ideas. This can only mean one thing…the annual cultural clash of Jesus vs. Santa is in full swing! Along with this comes the debate over festive greetings: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or Seasons Greetings.

As believers, this season presents an opportunity for Gospel conversations. But it also raises some important questions:

  • How can we share our faith without offending others?
  • How can we celebrate Jesus without overshadowing others’ family traditions or childhood memories?
  • How do we reach those unfamiliar with the true Christmas story without attacking their cultural practices?

Reflecting on Our Response

I’ll admit it. Sometimes, as a Christian, I feel embarrassed by how this debate plays out. It seems like every year, I overhear a brother or sister in Christ passionately explaining why Santa is evil or why Happy Holidays is an unacceptable greeting.

But let’s take a step back. For those of us who follow Jesus, our lives are shaped by His teachings and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. With that in mind, can we honestly picture Jesus berating a checkout attendant because they said, Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas?

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”(Colossians 4:6)

Avoiding Jumping to Conclusions

When we interact with people, we need to remember that we have no idea about their faith or cultural background. Most people aren’t trying to offend Christians.

  • Perhaps the greeting is something their employer requested.
  • Or it could be a policy dictated by their company during the holidays.

If we consider Jesus’ example, wouldn’t He be far more concerned with the attendant’s well-being than the wording of their greeting?

Should We Stop Saying Merry Christmas?

Not at all! Replying with a heartfelt Merry Christmas and a smile is a beautiful way to share the joy in your heart. The key is to give the greeting out of love and joy, not as a defence or rebuttal.

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)

By offering our greeting with genuine warmth, we leave a sense of peace and perhaps even spark curiosity. They may ponder the origins of Christmas or they might not. Either way, we’ve done our part.

Moving Beyond the Greeting

Rather than focusing on winning the battle of seasonal greetings, why not focus on showing kindness?

For example, if you’re at a store and sense stress in the attendant’s demeanour, consider buying them a small treat or leaving a note of encouragement. You could include a brief message pointing them to the true Christmas story.

Then, as you hand them the gift, say, “Have a very Merry Christmas!” A thoughtful act of kindness often communicates the message of Jesus far more effectively than words alone.

No Further Drama Needed

Christmas isn’t about defending phrases. It’s about sharing the hope and joy of Jesus. Instead of getting caught up in the debate, let’s focus on being salt and light to those around us.

Dive Deeper Into Scripture

Reflect on these passages for guidance on kindness and speech:

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  1. How can believers express their faith during Christmas without offending?
  2. Have the debates between Jesus and Santa become more about drama than genuine concern?
  3. In what ways do you respectfully engage with those of different backgrounds during the holiday season?

Your thoughts are valuable! Why not leave a few?