Bible, Outreach


Romans Road Step : The Need

Selfie-Stick to Narcissi-Stick
Photo Credit: Selfie stick via photopin

Romans 3:23 tells us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God“.

If you grew up attending Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, AWANA or a Bible camp, you likely memorised this verse.

As we move forward in our post-series centred around The Romans Road, Romans 3:23 connects us to our second step and the fact that we all sin.

(Click HERE to read The Romans Road Step #1: The Beginning.)

Scripture is clear that there’s a dark side to us all.

The Me Movement

Unfortunately, in our world today, we’re bombarded with messages that life is all about us. Humanity has created in itself a type of Me Movement, which is entrenched in sinful desire.

This Me Movement infects us, convincing us to concentrate solely on me, myself and I.

I am the most important, my way of doing things is the right way, my thoughts and feelings are the right ones, me, me, me.

Nothing proves this more than the invention of The Selfie-Stick. Or perhaps better named..

The Narcissi-Stick

Now before anyone’s back gets against the wall, I am not saying Selfie Sticks are sinful or that Selfies in general are sinful. Don’t start thinking, “Selfies are evil and so I better throw my Selfie-Stick in the trash.

That is definitely not what I’m saying.

I’ve Taken My Fair Share of Selfies

However, the Selfie phenomenon can serve as a reminder of Satan’s plan for us as sinners.

You see, Satan doesn’t really care if we focus on him or not. His goal is not necessarily to turn mankind into Satanists. (Though I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.) Satan’s real goal is to make sure we’re not focused on God.

The best way to get humanity to lose focus on God, on our Creator, is to get us focused on ourselves. Romans 3:23 highlights, that before we can experience salvation, we must first come to the knowledge that we are sinful.

We are self-seeking, prideful beings who need a Saviour.

We All Fall Short

Because of our sin, we all fall short of God’s glory. We cannot access God because our sin makes us unholy. 
And therefore prevents us from being in His presence.

In order to receive salvation, we must realize that we are sinners and that we need forgiveness. None of us are worthy under God’s standards.

Romans 3:23 Highlights Our Need

As we evangelize, at some point, even though it’s not nice to hear, we must show our friends, neighbours, coworkers, everyone; that all of humanity is sinful. Somehow, we’ve got to show the, that all of us fall short.

And our sin creates The Need. Our sin creates The Need for a Saviour. Romans 3:23 focuses the sinner on that Need.

Can I get your feedback?

Romans 3:23 is a well-know piece of Scripture that outlines our fallen nature and our “The Need” for salvation. How has this verse impacted you and the people around you?

Please comment below or share your answer on Facebook or Twitter.


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