He Is Risen!

Today we as Christians, celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. However, some people believe this whole Easter thing is a sham.
Some believe that Jesus was merely a man who lived and died. Sure, there’s talk of a resurrection that may have sparked a global religious movement. Nevertheless, it’s easier to ignore the miracle and the mystery, and place Jesus as a prominent historical figure.
And this can work for a while. It can actually work for a lifetime if we want it to. But at the end, when we die, what if there is no end? What if when this life is over, we discover that our existence isn’t over?
Eternal Life
In 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul writes the following words to his pastoral apprentice, Timothy:
“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.“
We should all “Take hold of the eternal life…” to which we were called. Why? Because our days on earth are number. This earthly life will eventually end, but our existence is eternal. There is an end to our life, but there is no end to our existence.
Whether we choose to follow Jesus or not, our existence is eternal. Everyone’s existence is eternal, but only some of us will have eternal life, by choosing to have a new life.
Francis Chan’s Rope Illustration
Click the image below to check out this illustration by Francis Chan, regarding our life on earth as it relates to our eternal life.
Think about your life being eternal and that you’re just at the beginning stages. What comes to mind? What do you see?