Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Communication, Leadership

Looking For Advice As I Transition To a New Role In a New Location

Posted June 5, 2012.

My transition time is fast approaching. Believe it or not, the packing of boxes actually began yesterday. It’s strange but while packing those boxes, it was the first day that the transition actually felt official.

There were many waves of excitement. And there was a mix of anxieties about the long journey and the actual start of my new position.

When I get rolling into my new position, this blog will likely have a bit of a theme face-lift to go along with the new content. Obviously, I will continue to provide content that forms around my ministry work, providing readers with encouragement and the occasional laugh.

Until then…What advice can you give as I officially transition?

2 thoughts on “Looking For Advice As I Transition To a New Role In a New Location

  1. Be mindful of your kids, they react to massive change like moves in unpredictable ways. Don’t take them for granted and assume they are handling it even if they appear fine. Looking forward to catching up with you once you’re down!

    1. Thanks Oliver! I’m not sure that our 1 year old will care or remember any of the move. That being said, I need to focus a bit more time this week specifically talking with our 4 year old about the transition. Wise words from a man whom knows transition with a family. Thanks again my friend!

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