Are We All Ready for the Lord’s Return?

In the sixties, Society was changing dramatically. It seemed like everyone was chasing anything and everything that felt good; “if it felt good, do it.”
A young Christian from California named Larry Norman challenged the world.
Larry saw the cultural trends of his peers. And as he read his Bible, he realised that he was witnessing many of Christ’s prophetic words.
Everyone was thinking of the here and now. No one was thinking about their eternity.
In 1969, as the world’s eyes were fixed on an upcoming festival called Woodstock, Larry had just released his first album titled “Upon This Rock” with a hit single that carried a hunting title:
“I Wish We’d All Been Ready.”
This song was inspired by a passage from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24. It was a song that caused great concern in Believers and unbelievers alike.
This song would open the door to Larry sharing the Gospel to thousands of young people, who were lost in a world of confusion and change.
Larry continued to play and sing.
Larry’s folk-sound soon got him the descriptive title “the Christian Bob Dylan.” He travelled all over the world, sharing his music.
And during every concert, with his Bible in hand, he would tell the world of the Lord’s return. He would plead with the crowd, to get their hearts right with God, by accepting the Good News of Jesus Christ.
In 1972, Larry’s song hit the spotlight again.
Billy Graham had released the film titled, “A Thief In the Night” using Larry’s song as a key part to the film.
That film opened up thousands more conversations, leading thousands of more souls to salvation.
Larry continued to produce.
By the late 70’s, Larry was moving from the folk genre to a new genre called, “Christian Rock.” Some people started referring to Norman as a”rock and roll Bill Graham.“
It was said that he was the only man in show business that had found the balance between reverence and rebellion.
Today, Larry is with our Lord in heaven.
However, with over 40 years of producing Christian contemporary hits, his music continues to be an inspiration for many artists.
Many in the Christian and secular world refer to Norman as the “Father of Christian Rock.”
This Week’s Post Series
This week we’re going to explore Matthew 24; the passage that inspired Larry Norman to write his famous song, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready.”
Moreover, this week we’re going to be asking ourselves the question, “Are we all ready?”
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Christian artist, Larry Norman looked at his generation in the 60’s and believed the Lord would return soon. What has changed since then? What signs do we have that the time is near?