Our Sin Will Remain Hidden Find Us Out.

I have 2 brothers and no sisters. Growing up in an all-boy household can lead to some exciting situations. Whenever one of us looked shady, like we were up to trouble, my mom would say, “Remember, your sins will find you out!“
This week, we’ve looked at 1 Timothy 5 and talking about sin. So far, we’ve focused on church leadership. Check out this week’s posts: “Do We Expect Pastoral Perfection?” and “When Church Leaders Sin“.
After spending significant time discussing the sins of church leadership, God leads Paul to make some statements about sin in general: “24 The sins of some are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them.” (1 Tim. 5:24)
Paul’s hinting at an Old Testament concept that my mom used to quote to us boys: “…you will be sinning against the LORD; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” (Num. 32:32b)
Some Sins Are Obvious
What are obvious sins? Well, I might as well start with myself and my obvious sins.
First, I struggle with the sin of gluttony. For the past decade, my prayer life has been filled with asking forgiveness for using food for entertainment, boredom or to cover my insecurities. One of the consequences of my sin is a struggle with my weight.
Gluttony is an obvious sin.
Second, if you knew me personally, you’d know that I’m a talker. I struggle adhering to the Biblical principle of being “quick to listen and slow to speak” (Jam. 1:19). This leads me down a road toward sin, being impatient, inconsiderate and impetuous.
Sins related to the tongue are obvious ones.
And there are many other obvious sins related to greed, anger, and other areas that are difficult to hide from the people around us.
Some Sins Trail Behind Us
Some sins stay secret for far too long. And yet, as we travel through life, they do leave a trail behind us.
This sin-trail is typically marked with shame and heartache. This trail can make us physically ill. Taking years off of our lives, we are in constant turmoil, trying to keep our sin hidden from the world.
Nevertheless, whether we want it or not, God loves us enough that He will eventually break us down and force us to deal with it.
Trails of Sin
Some examples of trailing sins are (1) lust, which leaves a trail of pornography, sexual promiscuity, immorality or adultery.
What about sins of (2) bitterness and unforgiveness? These sins leave a trail of conflict and broken relationships.
There are also sins of (3) deception and false truths, creating something or someone who we’re not. This trail comes with the exhausting task of keeping numerous stories straight, having to remember the plethora of false facts that have been created.
Dealing With Sin Today
Obviously, I hope we’re dealing with our obvious sins. But for the sins that are trailing behind us, today’s the day to turn these around before the consequences become disastrous.
Today’s the day we can say, “I’m fed up keeping this secret! I’m fed carrying this baggage!” Today’s our day for freedom from sin.
Do we believe the promise found in James 5? “…confess your sins…and pray…that you may be healed.” (Jam. 5:16a) If so, then we should turn to a mentor, a friend, a pastor, an elder, anyone and tell them, “I need to confess something to you and I need prayer for healing.“