“…all things are possible.” (19:26)

This week, we’ve been exploring Matthew 19 in references to riches and sacrifice. Yesterday, we left the disciples in shock, begging the question, “Who then can be saved?” (19:25)
As is always the case, just when the disciples are in total bewilderment, we see Jesus’ effective ability to teach, widening their perspective.
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (19:26)
Jesus validates their question.
In a way, Jesus’ response agrees with the disciples conclusion. No one can be saved, or to say it another way, no one can save themselves.
However, God can save anyone. God can bring salvation to anyone. And Jesus will serve as the ultimate sacrifice in order for this salvation to take place. Coming full circle, Jesus is saying to the disciples, “Follow Me and you will be saved.”
“We have left everything…” (19:27)
I love this next verse because for once, Peter totally gets it! He says to Jesus, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” (19:27)
Our good friend Peter jumps back on the scene, but instead of issuing a disruptive comment, we hear that Peter completely understands what Jesus is trying to teach them. Even though Jesus’ teaching has mysterious overtones, Peter sees that following Jesus is directly connected with being saved by God.
Following Jesus is the key.
And this is where our week-long theme of sacrifice comes back into focus. The disciples have left everything behind, traveling all over the place, serving all sorts of people and learning numerous challenging lessons from Jesus.
Where Jesus Goes, they go. What Jesus does, they do. And according to Jesus next statements, they’re sacrifice will be well worth it.
“…at the renewal of all things…” (19:28)
Jesus replies in verse 28, “…at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (19:28)
For a moment, let’s try to imagine hearing these words. How would we respond? Jesus will be on His throne and we’ll be sitting beside Him? Thanks be to God, we’re saved!
Let’s pause for some explanation.
We run into a bit of scholarly debate with this statement.
- Some scholars believe Jesus is referencing the disciples as part of the priesthood of Christians in the End Times.
- Others believe this was a metaphoric statement to honour them, since they’ll be the first Jews sealed with the Holy Spirit.
- Still others believe this was a simple encouragement for them to hold onto, since there would be many difficult days ahead where their own countryman, fellow-Jews would turn against Jesus, and then turn against the disciples for following Him.
Nevertheless, one message is clear.
From Jesus statement, we can see that following Him with sacrifice and total abandonment will result in great honour. His statement assures the disciples that their sacrifice was worth every step of travel, every hardship endured and every lesson learned.
And as we’ll find out tomorrow, our sacrifice for Jesus will result in similar honour.
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What did the disciples sacrifice to follow Jesus? In comparison, would Christians today choose the same level of sacrifice? Why or why not?