What would we give up for the cause?

“…for my sake…” (19:29) In verse 29 of Matthew 19, Jesus begins to wrap up an entire discussion on sacrifice. He issues a statement that should be taken as truth for any follower of Jesus.
Jesus highlights three fundamental pieces to our lives; (1) home, (2) family and (3) work.
“…everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” (19:29)
3 Areas of Sacrifice
If I’m to let this fully sink in for moment, in order to follow Jesus, I may have to sacrifice my home, my family or my work. These are three of the most difficult things for anyone to abandon or sacrifice.
And yet, it may be required.
There may come a time for any one of us, when we’re faced with a choice between Jesus and our home, Jesus and our family or Jesus and our work.
Thankfully, in this verse we have a promise; that a great sacrifice for Christ in this world becomes a great investment within His kingdom.
“…first will be last…” (19:30)
Jesus closes this discussion in verse 30 with this sentence.
“But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” (19:30)
Jesus promises that nothing endured on this earth will go unnoticed. Following Jesus may have a devastating personal impact, but all will be made right in eternity.
Many people have paid a price.
As we look back over 2000 years of Christianity, there are many accounts where people have sacrificed everything to follow Jesus, far beyond riches or comforts. The disciples would be the first of many to sacrifice their very lives.
Today, our brothers and sisters in churches all over the world are sacrificing their homes, their families, their work and sometimes their lives to follow Jesus Christ.
These Believers embraced this, holding on to Jesus words:
“…many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.”
Are we ready?
If our World took a drastic turn for the worse tomorrow, making Christianity illegal in every country, would the Western World be ready?
Would we be ready to embrace the sacrifice the many Believers before us have endured? Would we be equipped to stand strong like many Believers all over the world are experiencing right now?
Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts
What would happen to the Western Church if Christianity was made illegal tomorrow? What would happen to our homes, families or livelihoods?